Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Owl_plplot.Plot end
The input to a plot function is supposed to be a row-based matrix/vector. * The functions in this module are built atop of Plplot library.
type dsmat = Owl_dense_matrix.D.mat
Default input type is double precision matrices.
val create : ?m:int -> ?n:int -> string -> handle
val subplot : handle -> int -> int -> unit
val set_output : handle -> string -> unit
val get_output : handle -> string
val set_title : handle -> string -> unit
val set_xlabel : handle -> string -> unit
val set_ylabel : handle -> string -> unit
val set_zlabel : handle -> string -> unit
val set_xrange : handle -> float -> float -> unit
val set_yrange : handle -> float -> float -> unit
val set_zrange : handle -> float -> float -> unit
val set_xticklabels : handle -> (float * string) list -> unit
val set_yticklabels : handle -> (float * string) list -> unit
val set_zticklabels : handle -> (float * string) list -> unit
val set_foreground_color : handle -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val set_background_color : handle -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val set_font_size : handle -> float -> unit
val set_pen_size : handle -> float -> unit
val set_page_size : handle -> int -> int -> unit
val legend_on : handle -> ?position:legend_position -> string array -> unit
val legend_off : handle -> unit
Line style is an integer ranging from 1 to 8.
``plot x y`` plots ``y`` as a function of ``x``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``plot_fun f a b`` generates a line plot for function ``f : float -> float`` in the interval ``a, b
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``scatter x y`` generates a scatter plot of ``y`` as a function of ``x``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``.
``histogram x`` generates a histogram of ``x`` with the number ``bin``.
Parameters: ``RGB``.
``ecdf x``
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``stairs x y``
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``stem x`` generates a stem plot of ``y`` as a function of ``x``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``autocorr x`` generates an autocorrelation plot of ``x``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
val text :
?h:handle ->
?spec:spec list ->
float ->
float ->
?dx:float ->
?dy:float ->
string ->
``text x y s`` draws a text string at ``(x,y)``. ``dx`` and ``dy`` indicate ...
Parameters: ``RGB``.
``draw_line x0 y0 x1 y0`` draws a straight line from ``(x0,y0)`` to ``(x1,y1)``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``draw_rect x0 y0 x1 y1`` draws a rectangle with top-left point at ``(x0,y0)`` and bottom-right point at ``(x1,y1)``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``FillPattern``.
``draw_circle x y r`` draws a circle at point ``(x,y)`` of radius ``r``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``, ``FillPattern``.
``bar x`` draws a bar chart of ``x``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``FillPattern``.
``area x y`` fills the area specified by ``x`` and ``y``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``FillPattern``.
``area x y`` fills the polygon specified by ``x`` and ``y``. Each point will be treated as connected to the next point except the last, which will be connected to the first point.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``FillPattern``.
``error_bar x y`` generates a line plot of ``x`` and ``y`` with error bars.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``boxplot x`` generates a box plot of ``x``.
Parameters: ``RGB``.
``pie x`` generates a simple pie chart of ``x``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Fill``.
``loglog ~x y`` plots all ``y`` versus ``x`` pairs with log-log scale. ``loglog y`` plots data in ``y`` versus their indices. If ``Axis X`` or ``Axis Y`` is specified in ``spec``, plot logarithmic scales only for x-axis or y-axis respectively.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``, ``Axis``.
``semilogx`` is similar to ``loglog``. Plot data as logarithmic scales for the x-axis.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``semilogy`` is similar to ``loglog``. Plot data as logarithmic scales for the y-axis.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``, ``LineStyle``, ``LineWidth``.
``spy x`` visualises the sparsity of the matrix ``x`` using scatter plot. The non-zero elements are plotted as dots, and zeros are ignored.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``.
Note ``plot3d`` is just an alias of ``surf`` function.
``surf x y z`` generates a surface plot defined by ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``.
Parameters: ``Altitude``, ``Azimuth``, ``Contour``, ``NoMagColor``, ``Curtain``.
Please refer to ``plotsurf3d`` functions in the PLplot library for more information.
``mesh x y z`` generates a mesh plot defined by ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Altitude``, ``Azimuth``, ``Contour``, ``NoMagColor``, ``ZLine``, ``Curtain``.
Please refer to ``plmesh`` and ``plmeshc`` functions in the PLplot library for more information.
``contour x y z`` generates a contour plot defined by ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``.
``heatmap x y z`` generates a heatmap defined by ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``.
val probplot :
?h:handle ->
?spec:spec list ->
?dist:(float -> float) ->
?noref:bool ->
dsmat ->
``probplot ~dist ~noref x`` creates a probability plot comparing the distribution of the data in ``x`` to the given distribution. The ``dist`` is set to standard normal distribution by default. When ``noref`` is set to ``true`` (default to be ``false``), the reference line will not be shown.
Note that in our implementation of probplot, we choose a Matlab-like definition: for the i-th point on the figure, x-axis is the sorted input sample data x.(i), and y-axis is the inverseCDF (for different ``dist``) of meadian ``(i - 0.5)/n``, where n is the length of input data,
The y-axis is to be updated to corrsponding probability ``p = cdf(y) * 100%``.
The same definition also applies to normplot and wblplot.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``.
``normalplot ~sigma x`` is probplot with normal distribution. User need to specify the ``sigma`` of distribution or the default value 1 will be used.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``.
``wblplot ~lambda ~k x`` is probplot with weibull distribution. Currently user need to specify the weibull distribution parameters ``lambda`` and ``k`` explicitly. By default, (lambda, k) = (1., 1.). ``wblplot`` applies log-scale on x-axis.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``.
``qqplot ~pd ~x y `` displays a quantile-quantile plot of the quantiles of the sample data x versus the theoretical quantiles values from ``pd``, which by default is standard normal distribution. If the second argument ``x`` is a vector, the empirical CDF of it is used as the distribution of x-axis data, otherwise the qqplot is similar to ``probplot``, showing the inverseCDF of meadian ``(i - 0.5)/n`` on x-axis.
If input vectors are not of the same length, users are explected to input the longer one as x, and the shorter one y.
Parameters: ``RGB``, ``Marker``, ``MarkerSize``.
val output : handle -> unit