Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Owl end
include module type of struct include Owl_types end
include module type of struct include Owl_types_common end
type ('a, 'b) owl_arr = ('a, 'b, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t
type slice = index list
type slice_ = index_ array
module type Ndarray_Basic = Owl.Ndarray_Basic
module type Ndarray_Compare = Owl.Ndarray_Compare
module type Ndarray_Mutable = Owl.Ndarray_Mutable
module type Ndarray_Algodiff = Owl.Ndarray_Algodiff
module type Ndarray_Numdiff = Owl.Ndarray_Numdiff
module type Stats_Dist = Owl.Stats_Dist
module type Computation_Device = Owl.Computation_Device
val float32 : (float, Bigarray.float32_elt) Bigarray.kind
val float64 : (float, Bigarray.float64_elt) Bigarray.kind
val complex32 : (Complex.t, Bigarray.complex32_elt) Bigarray.kind
val complex64 : (Complex.t, Bigarray.complex64_elt) Bigarray.kind
Make alias of the modules in Owl for your convenience.
module Const = Owl.Const
module Exception = Owl.Exception
module Dense = Owl.Dense
module Sparse = Owl.Sparse
module Maths = Owl.Maths
module Stats = Owl.Stats
module Linalg = Owl.Linalg
module Algodiff = Owl.Algodiff
module Optimise = Owl.Optimise
module Regression = Owl.Regression
module Neural = Owl.Neural
module Fft = Owl.Fft
module Cluster = Owl.Cluster
module Utils = Owl.Utils
module Ext = Owl.Ext
module Dataset = Owl.Dataset
module Dataframe = Owl.Dataframe
module Lazy = Owl.Lazy
module Graph = Owl.Graph
module Nlp = Owl.Nlp
module Log = Owl.Log
module Computation = Owl.Computation
module Signal = Owl.Signal
module Cblas = Owl.Cblas
module Lapacke = Owl.Lapacke
module Arr = Owl.Arr
module Mat = Owl.Mat
module Plot = Owl_jupyter_plot