package owl-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
Read and write operations
val read_file : ?trim:bool -> string -> string array

read_file ?trim filename reads the contents of the file specified by filename and returns an array of strings, where each string represents a line from the file.

  • trim: If set to true, leading and trailing whitespace from each line is removed.
val read_file_string : string -> string

read_file_string filename reads the entire contents of the file specified by filename into a single string. Returns the contents of the file as a string.

val write_file : ?_flag:open_flag -> string -> string -> unit

write_file ?_flag filename content writes the content to the file specified by filename.

  • _flag: Optional file opening flag, such as Open_append or Open_trunc. The default behavior is to overwrite the file if it exists.
val marshal_from_file : string -> 'a

marshal_from_file filename deserializes data from the file specified by filename using OCaml's Marshal module. Returns the deserialized data.

val marshal_to_file : ?flags:Marshal.extern_flags list -> 'a -> string -> unit

marshal_to_file ?flags data filename serializes the data and writes it to the file specified by filename using OCaml's Marshal module.

  • flags: Optional flags for controlling the serialization behavior.
val read_csv : ?sep:char -> string -> string array array

read_csv ?sep filename reads a CSV file specified by filename and returns a 2D array of strings, where each sub-array represents a row.

  • sep: The character used to separate fields. The default separator is a comma (',').
val write_csv : ?sep:char -> string array array -> string -> unit

write_csv ?sep data filename writes the 2D array of strings data to the file specified by filename in CSV format.

  • sep: The character used to separate fields. The default separator is a comma (',').
val read_csv_proc : ?sep:char -> (int -> string array -> unit) -> string -> unit

read_csv_proc ?sep f filename processes each row of the CSV file specified by filename using the function f.

  • sep: The character used to separate fields. The default separator is a comma (','). The function f takes an index and a row (as a string array) as input.
val write_csv_proc : ?sep:char -> 'a array array -> ('a -> string) -> string -> unit

write_csv_proc ?sep data to_string filename writes the 2D array of data data to the file specified by filename in CSV format.

  • sep: The character used to separate fields. The default separator is a comma (','). The function to_string is used to convert each element to a string.
Iteration functions
val iteri_lines_of_file : ?verbose:bool -> (int -> string -> unit) -> string -> unit

iteri_lines_of_file ?verbose f filename iterates over each line of the file specified by filename, applying the function f to each line.

  • verbose: If true, prints progress information. The default is false. The function f takes the line index and the line content as input.
val mapi_lines_of_file : (int -> string -> 'a) -> string -> 'a array

mapi_lines_of_file f filename maps the function f over each line of the file specified by filename, returning an array of results. The function f takes the line index and the line content as input and returns a value of type 'a.

val iteri_lines_of_marshal : ?verbose:bool -> (int -> 'a -> unit) -> string -> unit

iteri_lines_of_marshal ?verbose f filename iterates over each line of serialized data in the file specified by filename, deserializing it and applying the function f.

  • verbose: If true, prints progress information. The default is false. The function f takes the line index and the deserialized data as input.
val mapi_lines_of_marshal : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> string -> 'b array

mapi_lines_of_marshal f filename maps the function f over each line of serialized data in the file specified by filename, deserializing it and returning an array of results. The function f takes the line index and the deserialized data as input and returns a value of type 'b.

Helper functions
val head : int -> string -> string array

head n filename reads the first n lines of the file specified by filename and returns them as an array of strings.

val csv_head : ?sep:char -> int -> string -> string array

csv_head ?sep n filename reads the first n lines of the CSV file specified by filename and returns them as an array of strings.

  • sep: The character used to separate fields. The default separator is a comma (',').

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