Oplot can be used in the toplevel. First load the library with
#use "topfind"
#require "oplot"
You may open the Oplot.Plt module for easy access to all plot functions.
open Oplot.Plt
Draw the graph of the sine function with
let p = plot sin (-2.) 20.
let a = axis 0. 0.;;
display [ Color red; p; Color black; a ]
This will open a window with the graphics, which should look like this:
Press F for fullscreen toggle, CTRL-S for saving the image, and ESC or Q to close the window. Press h to see the list of active keys.
Of course you can play with it:
let rec sh i =
if i == 0 then []
let p =
(fun x -> sin (x +. (float_of_int i /. 50.)))
0. 20. ~pas:0.05
let c =
color (float_of_int i /. 50.) (1. -. (float_of_int i /. 50.)) 0.
c :: p :: sh (i - 1)
display (sh 50)