package oplot

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Main Oplot functions

This module contains all functions for defining and rendering plots.

type plot_device =
  1. | X11
  2. | GL
  3. | FIG
type points = Points.point list
type axis
type image
type latex
type text
type imatrix = int array array
type fmatrix = float array array
type grid = fmatrix * view3 * bool
type surf3d = fmatrix * fmatrix * fmatrix * view3 * bool
type curve3d = Points.point3 list * view3
type move3d
type gllist
type color = {
  1. r : float;
  2. g : float;
  3. b : float;
type align =
  1. | CENTER
  2. | LEFT
  3. | RIGHT
val black : color
val white : color
val red : color
val green : color
val blue : color
val yellow : color
val cyan : color
val magenta : color

Defining plot objects

'Defining' means computing the coordinates of the points and lines to display, but not actually displaying them. We call a "sheet" a list of objects to be displayed.

type plot_object =
  1. | Points of points

    A list of points.

  2. | Lines of points list

    The points of each sublist are joined by a line segment.

  3. | Poly of points

    Closed polygonal line.

  4. | View of view option

    Indicate the x-y range to display.

  5. | Axis of axis

    Axis with divisions.

  6. | Color of color

    Indicate the color to draw subsequent objects.

  7. | Text of text

    Position a text at some (x,y) coordinate.

  8. | Matrix of imatrix

    Checkboard-like matrix view with 0-255 greyscale.

  9. | Grid of grid * gllist

    3D mountain-like representation of a matrix.

  10. | Surf3d of surf3d * gllist

    3D parametric surface.

  11. | Curve3d of curve3d * gllist

    3D points joined by line segments.

  12. | Move3d of move3d

    Animate the 3D object by a uniform rotation.

  13. | Pause of int

    Display the current state of the sheet, and wait before displaying next object, but don't stop animation in the opengl window. This only works for interactive displays using the GL device.

  14. | Freeze of int

    Display the current state of the sheet and suspend all display for the given time.

  15. | Clear of color

    Clear graphics.

  16. | Adapt of (view option * plot_object option) Stdlib.ref * view option -> plot_object

    Any object that needs to adapt itself to the current View.

  17. | User of view -> plot_device -> unit

    Execute any user-defined program.

  18. | Sheet of plot_object list

    Group plot objects.


2D objects

Helper functions for creating 2D plot objects

val point : (float * float) -> Points.point

A single point (x,y).

val axis : float -> float -> plot_object

axis x0 y0 creates an Axis object with two axis crossing at the point (x0,y0).


# let a = axis 0. 0.;;
# display [ a ];;
val parametric_plot : (float -> float) -> (float -> float) -> ?pas:float -> ?adapt:bool -> float -> float -> plot_object

parametric_plot fx fy t0 t1 computes a parametric curve given by the points (fx(t), fy(t)), for t varying from t0 to t1. If adapt is true, the step will adapt to the arc-length of the curve.

val point_plot_f : (float -> float) -> ?pas:float -> float -> float -> plot_object

point_plot_f f x0 x1 computes a subset of the graph of the function f obtained by isolated points with a fixed horizontal step.

val line_plot_f : (float -> float) -> ?pas:float -> float -> float -> plot_object

Similar to point_plot_f but the points are joined by line segments.

val plot : (float -> float) -> ?pas:float -> float -> float -> plot_object

Alias for line_plot_f.

val adapt_plot : (float -> float) -> ?pas:float -> float -> float -> plot_object

Similar to line_plot_f, but the plot will be dynamically cropped to the current Common.view object. It returns an Common.Adapt object.

val anim_plot : (float -> float -> float) -> ?pas:float -> ?t0:float -> ?t1:float -> float -> float -> plot_object

If f is a function two parameters t and x, then anim_plot f x0 x1 will generate an animation of the graph of the functions f t for t evolving with real time. The resulting object is of type Common.User.

val dot_plot : ?dot:(float -> float -> plot_object) -> ?view:plot_object -> (float * float) list -> plot_object list

dot_plot ~dot list draws a dot at each position (x,y) in the given list. Each dot is plotted using the dot function. By default, if ~dot is not specified, a single pixel is drawn. Another possibility is to use thediamond function.

val diamond : ?size:float -> float -> float -> plot_object

Draw a small diamond (lozange) at the given x y position.

val box : float -> float -> float -> float -> plot_object

box x0 y0 x1 y1 draws a filled box given by the diagonal points x0,y0 and x1,y1.

val text : string -> ?size:int -> ?align:align -> float -> float -> plot_object

text s x y draws the string s at the position (x,y).

val move_text : text -> Points.point -> unit

Move text at position given by point.

val latex : string -> ?size:int -> ?align:align -> float -> float -> plot_object

Similar to text but the rendered text is the result of LaTeX compilation of the given string.

val view : float -> float -> float -> float -> plot_object

view x0 y0 x1 y1 creates a Common.View object indicating the bounding box for subsequent drawings.

3D objects

Helper functions for creating 3D plot objects

val point3 : (float * float * float) -> Points.point3

A single 3D point (x,y,z).

val surf3d_plot : (float -> float -> float) -> (float -> float -> float) -> (float -> float -> float) -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?wire:bool -> float -> float -> float -> float -> plot_object

surf3d_plot fx fy fz u0 v0 u1 v1 computes the parametric surface spanned by the map (u,v)->(fx(u,v), fy(u,v), fz(u,v)) when (u,v) varies in the range [u0,u1] ✕ [v0,v1].

val grid_plot : (float -> float -> float) -> ?wire:bool -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> float -> float -> float -> float -> plot_object

grid_plot f x0 y0 x1 y1 computes the graph of the function f of two variables x y, when (x,y) varies in the range [x0,x1] ✕ [y0,y1].

Other objects

val color : float -> float -> float -> plot_object

Specifies the RGB color for subsequent drawings.

val freeze : int -> plot_object

freeze t creates a Common.Freeze for t ms.

val pause : int -> plot_object

pause t creates a Common.Pause for t ms.

val rotate : float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> plot_object

rotate x y z theta t rotates the 3D scene with angular velocity theta (in radians) aroung the axis (x,y,z), during time t.

Displaying the plot objects

Various devices can be used to render the plots.

type user_device
val display : ?dev:user_device -> ?fscreen:bool -> ?output:string -> plot_object list -> unit

Initialize the graphics device and display the plot objects

Available devices

val x11 : user_device

Software rendering in a separate window.

val gl : user_device

Hardware (opengl) rendering in a separate window. This is the default. A few keys are active while the window is open. Press h for help.

val fig : user_device

Render to an xfig file.

val xfig : user_device

Open in the xfig program, if present.

val eps : user_device

Render to an EPS (encapsulated postscript) file.

val pdf : user_device

Render to a PDF (portable document format) file.

val gv : user_device

Render to EPS and open with a postscript viewer like gv.

val bmp : user_device

Render to a BMP image. Deprecated. It will actually render a PNG image.

val png : user_device

Render to a PNG image.

val img : user_device

Open in an image viewer.

Rendering parameters

val resize_window : int -> int -> unit
val get_gl_scale : unit -> float

The GL_SCALE is used to accomodate for HI-DPI screens. A "normal" screen of DPI about 110 should have GL_SCALE=1. A HI-DPI screen can typically have a scale of 2 or 2.5; on linux the GL_SCALE is detected at startup. It can be modified by the user.

val set_gl_scale : float -> unit
val quit : ?dev:plot_device -> unit -> unit

Close the current rendering window and clear the temporary directory.

val get_tmp_dir : unit -> string

Drawing specific objects

These functions should not be used interactively, because they necessitate the graphics window to be already opened by display; but they can be interesting when programming a Common.User object.

val set_color : ?dev:plot_device -> color -> unit
val object_plot : ?addcounter:bool -> dev:plot_device -> plot_object -> view option -> unit

Draw a single object, but not a Sheet. The device must have been initialized before.

If addcounter is true (default) the object will be considered as a new element of the currently displayed sheet; otherwise, it will be considered as being part of the currently displayed object: this only affects the Common.Pause mechanism.

val elapsed : unit -> int

Time elapsed from the openning of the opengl window.

val user_flush : plot_device -> unit

Synchronize graphics output by swapping back and front buffers. Hence two consecutive calls will result in flicker. See copy_back_buffer.

val copy_back_buffer : unit -> unit

Copy backbuffer to front buffer. If I use this intensively I can really hear my graphics card...

Oplot internals

module Internal : sig ... end

Oplot internal functions are useful for creating user interfaces.


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