package oidc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Auth parameters

module Display : sig ... end
module Prompt : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. response_type : string list;
  2. client_id : string;
  3. redirect_uri : Uri.t;
  4. scope : Scopes.t list;
  5. state : string option;
  6. nonce : string option;
  7. claims : Yojson.Safe.t option;
  8. max_age : int option;
  9. display : Display.t option;
  10. prompt : Prompt.t option;
type error = [
  1. | `Unauthorized_client of Client.t
  2. | `Missing_client
  3. | `Invalid_scope of string list
  4. | `Invalid_redirect_uri of string
  5. | `Missing_parameter of string
  6. | Display.error
  7. | Prompt.error
  8. | `Invalid_parameters

Possible states when parsing the query

val make : ?response_type:string list -> ?scope:Scopes.t list -> ?state:string -> ?claims:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?max_age:int -> ?display:Display.t -> ?prompt:Prompt.t -> ?nonce:string -> redirect_uri:Uri.t -> client_id:string -> unit -> t
val to_query : t -> (string * string list) list

Used when starting a authentication

val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> (t, [> error ]) result

Parsing in the provider

val parse_query : Uri.t -> (t, [> error ]) result

Innovation. Community. Security.