package oidc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Simpler interface for creating a oidc client

type t = {
  1. client : Client.t;
  2. provider_uri : Uri.t;

    The uri where we'll find the provider

  3. redirect_uri : Uri.t;

    The uri where the provider should return the user


Client with information needed to create calls

val make : ?secret:string -> ?response_types:string list -> ?grant_types:string list -> ?token_endpoint_auth_method:string -> redirect_uri:Uri.t -> provider_uri:Uri.t -> string -> t

Create a simple client, it creates a oidc client with some optional defaults.


  • response_types - ["code"]
  • grant_types - []
  • token_endpoint_auth_method - ["client_secret_post"]

URI builders

val discovery_uri : t -> Uri.t

Get the discovery_uri as specified in the OIDC spec

val make_auth_uri : ?scope:Scopes.t list -> ?claims:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?nonce:string -> state:string -> discovery:Discover.t -> t -> Uri.t

Builds the uri used for redirecting the user to the provider

  • scope example input: ["openid"; "email"; "profile"]
  • nonce should be validated when the user comes back to make sure they were not hijacked
  • state will be returend by the provider and can be used to remember where to redirect the user after successful login

Request builders

type meth = [
  1. | `POST
  2. | `GET
  3. | `CONNECT
  4. | `DELETE
  5. | `HEAD
  6. | `PUT
  7. | `TRACE
  8. | `OPTIONS
  9. | `Other of string
type request_descr = {
  1. body : string option;
  2. headers : (string * string) list;
  3. uri : Uri.t;
  4. meth : meth;

Request description that can be used by a http client to make the needed call

val make_token_request : code:string -> discovery:Discover.t -> t -> request_descr

Creates a request_descr for the token request

val make_refresh_token_request : refresh_token:string -> discovery:Discover.t -> t -> request_descr

Creates a request_descr for the refresh token request

val make_userinfo_request : token:Token.Response.t -> discovery:Discover.t -> (request_descr, [> Error.t ]) result

Creates a request_descr for the userinfo request

val valid_token_of_string : ?clock_tolerance:int -> ?nonce:string -> jwks:Jose.Jwks.t -> discovery:Discover.t -> t -> string -> (Token.Response.t, [> `Msg of string | IDToken.validation_error ]) result

Will parse the string and validate the token

clock_tolerance is used to allow a difference between the providers and clients clock

val valid_userinfo_of_string : token_response:Token.Response.t -> string -> (string, [> `Missing_sub | `Sub_missmatch | `Not_json | `Not_supported | `Msg of string ]) result

Example - Google

This example is written as if your http client is synchronos since we don't have a Lwt or Async dependency in the core. For a more complete example look in the executable folder.

Server start

We have to do some things when the server starts to prepare

let secret = Sys.getenv "OIDC_SECRET"
let client_id = Sys.getenv "OIDC_CLIENT_ID"
let provider_uri = Uri.of_string ""
let redirect_uri = Uri.of_string "http://localhost:8080/auth/callback"

      (* Create a client, it will create a oidc client under the hood and
         inherits parameters from there *)
      let simple_client =
        Oidc.SimpleClient.make ~redirect_uri ~provider_uri ~secret client_id

let discovery =
  let uri = Oidc.SimpleClient.discovery_uri simple_client in
  let discovery_string = HttpClient.get uri in
  Oidc.Discover.of_string discovery_string

let jwks =
  let uri = discovery.jwks_uri in
  let jwks_string = HttpClient.get uri in
  Jose.Jwks.of_string jwks_string

Authenitcation route

When the user is supposed to login you create the URI and redirect the user to the provider.

    let uri =
        ~scope:[ `OpenID; `Email; `Profile ]
HttpServer.redirect uri

Callback route

When the user returns from the provider we have to fetch the tokens and do some validation and (optionally) get the userinfo.

let code = HttpServer.get_query "code" request in
let state = HttpServer.get_query "state" request in

let token_response =
  (* Get a request_descr *)
  let token_request = Oidc.SimpleClient.make_token_request ~code ~discovery client in
  HttpClient.request token_request
  |> Oidc.SimpleClient.valid_token_of_string ~jwks ~discovery client in

(* You don't need to get the userinfo, but it can be useful since the id_token doesn't have to include all the information *)
let userinfo =
  (* Get a request_descr *)
  let userinfo_request = Oidc.SimpleClient.make_userinfo_request ~token:validated_token ~discovery in
  HttpClient.request userinfo_request
  |> Oidc.Userinfo.validate ~jwt:token_response_id_token

match (validated_token, userinfo) with
| Ok tokens, Ok userinfo ->
  let id_token = tokens.id_token in
  (* Theoretically we're not sure we'll have a access_token... *)
  let access_token =
    Option.value ~default:"no access_token" tokens.access_token
  (* Same as access_token *)
  let refresh_token =
    Option.value ~default:"no refresh_token" tokens.refresh_token

  (* Save the values in session for later retrieval *)
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "id_token" id_token request in
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "access_token" access_token request in
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "refresh_token" refresh_token request in
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "userinfo" userinfo request in

  HttServer.respond id_token
| Error e -> HttpServer.respond @@ Oidc.Error.to_string e

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