package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type tag_only_module = [
  1. | `TModule
type tag_only_module_type = [
  1. | `TModuleType
type tag_only_type = [
  1. | `TType
type tag_only_constructor = [
  1. | `TConstructor
type tag_only_field = [
  1. | `TField
type tag_only_extension = [
  1. | `TExtension
type tag_only_exception = [
  1. | `TException
type tag_only_value = [
  1. | `TValue
type tag_only_class = [
  1. | `TClass
type tag_only_class_type = [
  1. | `TClassType
type tag_only_method = [
  1. | `TMethod
type tag_only_instance_variable = [
  1. | `TInstanceVariable
type tag_only_label = [
  1. | `TLabel
type tag_only_page = [
  1. | `TPage
type tag_unknown = [
  1. | `TUnknown
type tag_signature = [
  1. | tag_unknown
  2. | tag_only_module
  3. | tag_only_module_type
type tag_class_signature = [
  1. | tag_unknown
  2. | tag_only_class
  3. | tag_only_class_type
type tag_datatype = [
  1. | tag_unknown
  2. | tag_only_type
type signature = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.signature
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_signature
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Module of signature * Names.ModuleName.t
  5. | `ModuleType of signature * Names.ModuleTypeName.t
and class_signature = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.class_signature
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_class_signature
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Class of signature * Names.ClassName.t
  5. | `ClassType of signature * Names.ClassTypeName.t
and datatype = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.datatype
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_datatype
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Type of signature * Names.TypeName.t
and parent = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.parent
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_parent
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Module of signature * Names.ModuleName.t
  5. | `ModuleType of signature * Names.ModuleTypeName.t
  6. | `Class of signature * Names.ClassName.t
  7. | `ClassType of signature * Names.ClassTypeName.t
  8. | `Type of signature * Names.TypeName.t
and label_parent = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.label_parent
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_label_parent
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Module of signature * Names.ModuleName.t
  5. | `ModuleType of signature * Names.ModuleTypeName.t
  6. | `Class of signature * Names.ClassName.t
  7. | `ClassType of signature * Names.ClassTypeName.t
  8. | `Type of signature * Names.TypeName.t
type tag_module = [
  1. | tag_only_module
  2. | tag_unknown
type module_ = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.module_
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_module
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Module of signature * Names.ModuleName.t
type tag_module_type = [
  1. | tag_only_module_type
  2. | tag_unknown
type module_type = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.module_type
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_module_type
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `ModuleType of signature * Names.ModuleTypeName.t
type type_ = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.type_
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_type
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Class of signature * Names.ClassName.t
  5. | `ClassType of signature * Names.ClassTypeName.t
  6. | `Type of signature * Names.TypeName.t
type constructor = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.constructor
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_constructor
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Constructor of datatype * Names.ConstructorName.t
  5. | `Extension of signature * Names.ExtensionName.t
  6. | `Exception of signature * Names.ExceptionName.t
type tag_field = [
  1. | tag_only_field
  2. | tag_unknown
type field = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.field
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_field
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Field of parent * Names.FieldName.t
type extension = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.extension
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_extension
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Extension of signature * Names.ExtensionName.t
  5. | `Exception of signature * Names.ExceptionName.t
type tag_exception = [
  1. | tag_only_exception
  2. | tag_unknown
type exception_ = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.exception_
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_exception
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Exception of signature * Names.ExceptionName.t
type tag_value = [
  1. | tag_only_value
  2. | tag_unknown
type value = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.value
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_value
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Value of signature * Names.ValueName.t
type tag_class = [
  1. | tag_only_class
  2. | tag_unknown
type class_ = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.class_
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_class
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Class of signature * Names.ClassName.t
type tag_class_type = [
  1. | tag_only_class
  2. | tag_only_class_type
  3. | tag_unknown
type class_type = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.class_type
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_class_type
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Class of signature * Names.ClassName.t
  5. | `ClassType of signature * Names.ClassTypeName.t
type tag_method = [
  1. | tag_only_method
  2. | tag_unknown
type method_ = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.method_
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_method
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Method of class_signature * Names.MethodName.t
type tag_instance_variable = [
  1. | tag_only_instance_variable
  2. | tag_unknown
type instance_variable = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.instance_variable
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_instance_variable
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `InstanceVariable of class_signature * Names.InstanceVariableName.t
type tag_label = [
  1. | tag_only_label
  2. | tag_unknown
type label = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved_reference.label
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_label
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string
  4. | `Label of label_parent * Names.LabelName.t
type tag_page = [
  1. | tag_only_page
  2. | tag_unknown
type page = [
  1. | `Resolved of
  2. | `Root of Names.UnitName.t * tag_page
  3. | `Dot of label_parent * string

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