package odoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'a with_location = 'a Odoc_model.Location_.with_location
type style = [
  1. | `Bold
  2. | `Italic
  3. | `Emphasis
  4. | `Superscript
  5. | `Subscript
type reference_kind = [
  1. | `Simple
  2. | `With_text
type inline_element = [
  1. | `Space of string
  2. | `Word of string
  3. | `Code_span of string
  4. | `Raw_markup of string option * string
  5. | `Styled of style * inline_element with_location list
  6. | `Reference of reference_kind * string with_location * inline_element with_location list
type nestable_block_element = [
  1. | `Paragraph of inline_element with_location list
  2. | `Code_block of string
  3. | `Verbatim of string
  4. | `Modules of string with_location list
  5. | `List of [ `Unordered | `Ordered ] * [ `Light | `Heavy ] * nestable_block_element with_location list list
type tag = [
  1. | `Author of string
  2. | `Deprecated of nestable_block_element with_location list
  3. | `Param of string * nestable_block_element with_location list
  4. | `Raise of string * nestable_block_element with_location list
  5. | `Return of nestable_block_element with_location list
  6. | `See of [ `Url | `File | `Document ] * string * nestable_block_element with_location list
  7. | `Since of string
  8. | `Before of string * nestable_block_element with_location list
  9. | `Version of string
  10. | `Canonical of string with_location
  11. | `Inline
  12. | `Open
  13. | `Closed
type block_element = [
  1. | nestable_block_element
  2. | `Heading of int * string option * inline_element with_location list
  3. | `Tag of tag
type docs = block_element with_location list
type sections_allowed = [
  1. | `All
  2. | `No_titles
  3. | `None

Innovation. Community. Security.