package octez-shell-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Scheduling of I/O operations over file descriptors.

This module defines the scheduler type t, and connection type connection. A connection is a wrapper over a P2p_fd.t. R/W functions over connections behave like regular R/W over file descriptors, but the scheduler ensures of fair allocation of bandwidth between them.

To each connection is associated a read (resp. write) queue where data is copied to (resp. read from), at a rate of max_download_speed / num_connections (resp. max_upload_speed / num_connections).

type connection

Type of a connection.

type t

Type of an IO scheduler.

val create : ?max_upload_speed:int -> ?max_download_speed:int -> ?read_queue_size:int -> ?write_queue_size:int -> read_buffer_size:int -> unit -> t

create ~max_upload_speed ~max_download_speed ~read_queue_size ~write_queue_size () is an IO scheduler with specified (global) max upload (resp. download) speed, and specified read (resp. write) queue sizes (in bytes) for connections.

ma_state sched returns the state of the moving average worker.

val register : t -> P2p_fd.t -> connection

register sched fd is a connection managed by sched.

write conn msg returns Ok () when msg has been added to conn's write queue, or fail with an error.

val write_now : connection -> Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Bytes.t -> bool

write_now conn msg is true iff msg has been (immediately) added to conn's write queue, false if it has been dropped.

val set_peer_id : peer_id:Tezos_base.TzPervasives.P2p_peer.Id.t -> connection -> unit

set_peer_id ~peer_id conn sets the peer id where conn is connected to.

Returns the readable of an abstract connection

stat conn is a snapshot of current bandwidth usage for conn.

global_stat sched is a snapshot of sched's bandwidth usage (sum of stat conn for each conn in sched).

val iter_connection : t -> (connection -> unit) -> unit

iter_connection sched f applies f on each connection managed by sched.

val add_closing_reason : reason:P2p_disconnection_reason.t -> connection -> unit

Stores a reason for which it will be closed in a near future.

val close : ?timeout:float -> ?reason:P2p_disconnection_reason.t -> connection -> unit Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t

close ?reason conn set the closing reason and returns after any pending data has been sent and the canceler of conn has been triggered.

It does not wait for the canceler callbacks, so there is no guarantee that the file descriptor is already closed, but it will eventually be closed.

If timeout is set, the canceler will be triggered after the timeout, even if pending data remains to be sent.

val shutdown : ?timeout:float -> t -> unit Lwt.t

shutdown sched returns after all connections managed by sched have been closed and sched's inner worker has successfully canceled.

val id : connection -> int

id connection returns the identifier of the underlying P2p_fd.t file descriptor. This uniquely identifies a connection.


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