package octez-shell-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type read_write =
  1. | Read
  2. | Write
type t =
  1. | Connection_lost of read_write
  2. | Connection_closed_by_peer of read_write
  3. | Connection_closed_by_unexpected_error of read_write * string
  4. | TCP_connection_refused
  5. | TCP_connection_unreachable
  6. | TCP_connection_canceled
  7. | TCP_connection_failed_unexpected_error of string
  8. | Scheduled_pop_unexpected_error of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tztrace
  9. | Scheduled_push_unexpected_error of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tztrace
  10. | IO_scheduler_closed
  11. | IO_scheduler_shutdown
  12. | Accept_write_error of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tztrace
  13. | Ack_read_error of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tztrace
  14. | Authentication_rejected_no_common_protocol
  15. | Authentication_rejected of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.P2p_rejection.t
  16. | Authentication_rejected_by_peer of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.P2p_rejection.t
  17. | Authentication_rejected_error of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tztrace
  18. | Incoming_connection_too_many
  19. | Incoming_connection_banned
  20. | Unexpected_peer_id
  21. | IP_manually_banned
  22. | Peer_id_manually_banned
  23. | Pool_destroyed
  24. | Peer_swapped
  25. | Explicit_RPC
  26. | Maintenance_too_many
  27. | User of string
  28. | Unknown_reason
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.