package octez-shell-libs
type listening_socket_open_failure = {
reason : Unix.error;
(*The error we are re-raising
*)address : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.P2p_addr.t;
(*The interface we are trying to listen to
*)port : int;
(*The port we are trying to listen to
Type describing an opening failure for the listening socket.
type Tezos_base.TzPervasives.error +=
| Failed_to_open_listening_socket of listening_socket_open_failure
Type of an error in case of the listening socket fails to open.
This module defines a type t
which wraps a file descriptor. Most functions simply call the underlying file descriptor function and generate logs with prefix "p2p.fd".
is a generic case of error that is used by default to represent a raising error that cannot be identified as a known error case.
Note: This errror is needed in general to address unexpetected exception that could be raised during fd processing. Though, it is not encouraged to use it. It is a better practice to catch exceptions and convert them explicitly to a dedicated (polymorphic) variant type.
type read_write_error = [
| `Connection_closed_by_peer
| `Connection_lost of exn
| `Connection_locally_closed
| unexpected_error
is used by the functions read
or write
in case of error.
is returned when the socket returns 0 bytes read or written.
is returned when the connection was closed because of a timeout or another problem related to the remote peer.
is returned when the connection's socket has been locally closed before we try to access it.
is used in case of error while trying to accept
some connection.
represents system-wide errors which are related to the state of whole process or computer. These are errors that will probably reoccur at next accept
and must be treated accordingly (for example by giving some time to the system to recover).
represents socket-specific errors which are related to the one connection that the function attempted to accept. These are usually temporary errors related to network delays or remote host responsiveness . For most socket-errors you can just log them and call accept again to be ready for the next connection.
val pp_read_write_error : Format.formatter -> read_write_error -> unit
Pretty printer for read_write_error.
val id : t -> int
id t
returns a unique, positive, identifier for t. Identifiers are generated sequentially at creation time.
val set_point : point:Tezos_base.TzPervasives.P2p_point.Id.t -> t -> unit
set_point ~point t
sets the point where fd
is or will be connected to.
val set_peer_id : peer_id:Tezos_base.TzPervasives.P2p_peer.Id.t -> t -> unit
set_peer_id ~peer_id t
sets the peer id where fd
is or will be connected to.
val close : ?reason:P2p_disconnection_reason.t -> t -> unit Lwt.t
close ?reason fd
closes the connection and the underlying fd. It is idempotent.
val add_closing_reason : reason:P2p_disconnection_reason.t -> t -> unit
Stores in the fd a reason for which it will be closed in a near future.
val read :
t ->
Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Bytes.t ->
int ->
int ->
(int, read_write_error) result Lwt.t
read fd buf ofs len
reads up to len
bytes from fd
, and writes them to buf
, starting at offset ofs
. If the operation leads to a `Connection_lost
error it is guaranteed that the underlying socket has been closed.
val write :
t ->
Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Bytes.t ->
(unit, read_write_error) result Lwt.t
write fd buf
writes all bytes from buf
to fd
. If the operation leads to a `Connection_lost
error it is guaranteed that the underlying socket has been closed.
val create_listening_socket :
?reuse_port:bool ->
backlog:int ->
?addr:Ipaddr.V6.t ->
int ->
Lwt_unix.file_descr Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
create_listening_socket ?reuse_port ~backlog ?addr port
creates a socket that listens on addr
or Ipaddr.V6.unspecified
if addr
is not provided and on port
is used to set Unix socket option SO_REUSEPORT
. If reuse_port
is not provided this option is set to false. SO_REUSEADDR
is set to true.
set the maximum number of pending connections.
val connect : t -> Lwt_unix.sockaddr -> (unit, connect_error) result Lwt.t
connect fd addr
connects fd
to addr
. If there is an error, fd
is closed.
val accept :
Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
(t * Lwt_unix.sockaddr, accept_error) result Lwt.t
accept sock
accepts connections on socket sock
module Table : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Hashtbl.S with type key = t