package ocamlformat-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module contains the types of configuration options, along with small helper functions. It is separated from Conf to avoid dependency cycles.

type parsed_from = [
  1. | `File of Ocamlformat_ocaml_common.Location.t
  2. | `Attribute of Ocamlformat_ocaml_common.Location.t
type updated_from = [
  1. | `Env
  2. | `Commandline
  3. | `Parsed of parsed_from
type from = [
  1. | `Default
  2. | `Profile of Ocamlformat_stdlib.string * updated_from
  3. | `Updated of updated_from * from Ocamlformat_stdlib.option
module Error : sig ... end
module Elt : sig ... end
type 'a elt = 'a Elt.t
type fmt_opts = {
  1. align_symbol_open_paren : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  2. assignment_operator : [ `Begin_line | `End_line ] elt;
  3. break_around_multiline_strings : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  4. break_before_in : [ `Fit_or_vertical | `Auto ] elt;
  5. break_cases : [ `Fit | `Nested | `Toplevel | `Fit_or_vertical | `Vertical | `All ] elt;
  6. break_collection_expressions : [ `Wrap | `Fit_or_vertical ] elt;
  7. break_colon : [ `Before | `After ] elt;
  8. break_infix : [ `Wrap | `Fit_or_vertical | `Wrap_or_vertical ] elt;
  9. break_infix_before_func : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  10. break_fun_decl : [ `Wrap | `Fit_or_vertical | `Smart ] elt;
  11. break_fun_sig : [ `Wrap | `Fit_or_vertical | `Smart ] elt;
  12. break_separators : [ `Before | `After ] elt;
  13. break_sequences : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  14. break_string_literals : [ `Auto | `Never ] elt;

    How to potentially break string literals into new lines.

  15. break_struct : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  16. cases_exp_indent : elt;
  17. cases_matching_exp_indent : [ `Normal | `Compact ] elt;
  18. disambiguate_non_breaking_match : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  19. doc_comments : [ `Before | `Before_except_val | `After_when_possible ] elt;
  20. doc_comments_padding : elt;
  21. doc_comments_tag_only : [ `Fit | `Default ] elt;
  22. dock_collection_brackets : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  23. exp_grouping : [ `Parens | `Preserve ] elt;
  24. extension_indent : elt;
  25. field_space : [ `Tight | `Loose | `Tight_decl ] elt;
  26. function_indent : elt;
  27. function_indent_nested : [ `Always | `Auto | `Never ] elt;
  28. if_then_else : [ `Compact | `Fit_or_vertical | `Keyword_first | `K_R | `Vertical ] elt;
  29. indent_after_in : elt;
  30. indicate_multiline_delimiters : [ `No | `Space | `Closing_on_separate_line ] elt;
  31. indicate_nested_or_patterns : [ `Space | `Unsafe_no ] elt;
  32. infix_precedence : [ `Indent | `Parens ] elt;
  33. leading_nested_match_parens : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  34. let_and : [ `Compact | `Sparse ] elt;
  35. let_binding_indent : elt;
  36. let_binding_deindent_fun : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;

    De-indent the fun in a let-binding body.

  37. let_binding_spacing : [ `Compact | `Sparse | `Double_semicolon ] elt;
  38. let_module : [ `Compact | `Sparse ] elt;
  39. line_endings : [ `Lf | `Crlf ] elt;
  40. margin : elt;

    Format code to fit within margin columns.

  41. match_indent : elt;
  42. match_indent_nested : [ `Always | `Auto | `Never ] elt;
  43. max_indent : Ocamlformat_stdlib.option elt;
  44. module_item_spacing : [ `Compact | `Preserve | `Sparse ] elt;
  45. nested_match : [ `Wrap | `Align ] elt;
  46. ocp_indent_compat : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;

    Try to indent like ocp-indent

  47. parens_ite : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  48. parens_tuple : [ `Always | `Multi_line_only ] elt;
  49. parens_tuple_patterns : [ `Always | `Multi_line_only ] elt;
  50. parse_docstrings : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  51. parse_toplevel_phrases : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  52. sequence_blank_line : [ `Compact | `Preserve_one ] elt;
  53. sequence_style : [ `Before | `Separator | `Terminator ] elt;
  54. single_case : [ `Compact | `Sparse ] elt;
  55. space_around_arrays : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  56. space_around_lists : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  57. space_around_records : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  58. space_around_variants : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  59. stritem_extension_indent : elt;
  60. type_decl : [ `Compact | `Sparse ] elt;
  61. type_decl_indent : elt;
  62. wrap_comments : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;

    Wrap comments at margin.

  63. wrap_docstrings : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  64. wrap_fun_args : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;

Formatting options

type opr_opts = {
  1. comment_check : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  2. debug : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;

    Generate debugging output if true.

  3. disable : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  4. margin_check : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;

    Check whether the formatted output exceeds the margin.

  5. max_iters : elt;

    Fail if output of formatting does not stabilize within max_iters iterations.

  6. ocaml_version : Ocaml_version.t elt;

    Version of OCaml syntax of the output.

  7. quiet : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  8. disable_conf_attrs : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;
  9. version_check : Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool elt;

Options changing the tool's behavior

type t = {
  1. fmt_opts : fmt_opts;
  2. opr_opts : opr_opts;
  3. profile : [ `default | `conventional | `ocamlformat | `janestreet ] elt;

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