package ocamlformat-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val css : string
val debug : bool Ocamlformat_stdlib.ref
val enable_stacktraces : bool Ocamlformat_stdlib.ref
val get_stack : unit -> string
val pp_box_name : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> string option -> unit
val pp_box_indent : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> int -> unit
val stack_tooltip : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> string option -> unit
val box_open : ?name:string -> ?stack:string -> string -> int -> Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> unit
val box_close : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> unit
val break : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> int -> int -> stack:string -> unit
val space_break : ?stack:string -> Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> unit
val cut_break : ?stack:string -> Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> unit
val force_newline : ?stack:string -> Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> unit
val end_str : ?stack:string -> Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> unit
val pp_keyword : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> string -> unit
val _format_string : 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f. Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.fmt -> Ocamlformat_stdlib.unit
val fmt : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6 -> bool

Returns a boolean to signal the caller not to render the format string again.

val cbreak : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> stack:string -> fits:(string * int * string) -> breaks:(string * int * string) -> unit
val if_newline : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> stack:string -> string -> unit
val break_unless_newline : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> stack:string -> int -> int -> unit
val fits_or_breaks : Ocamlformat_format.Format_.formatter -> stack:string -> string -> int -> int -> string -> unit

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