package ocaml-base-compiler
type primitive_mismatch =
| Name
| Arity
| No_alloc of position
| Native_name
| Result_repr
| Argument_repr of int
type value_mismatch =
| Primitive_mismatch of primitive_mismatch
| Not_a_primitive
| Type of Env.t * Errortrace.comparison Errortrace.t
exception Dont_match of value_mismatch
type record_mismatch =
| Label_mismatch of Types.label_declaration * Types.label_declaration * label_mismatch
| Label_names of int * Ident.t * Ident.t
| Label_missing of position * Ident.t
| Unboxed_float_representation of position
type constructor_mismatch =
| Type of Env.t * Errortrace.comparison Errortrace.t
| Arity
| Inline_record of record_mismatch
| Kind of position
| Explicit_return_type of position
type variant_mismatch =
| Constructor_mismatch of Types.constructor_declaration * Types.constructor_declaration * constructor_mismatch
| Constructor_names of int * Ident.t * Ident.t
| Constructor_missing of position * Ident.t
type extension_constructor_mismatch =
| Constructor_privacy
| Constructor_mismatch of Ident.t * Types.extension_constructor * Types.extension_constructor * constructor_mismatch
type private_variant_mismatch =
| Openness
| Missing of position * string
| Presence of string
| Incompatible_types_for of string
| Types of Env.t * Errortrace.comparison Errortrace.t
type private_object_mismatch =
| Missing of string
| Types of Env.t * Errortrace.comparison Errortrace.t
type type_mismatch =
| Arity
| Privacy
| Kind
| Constraint of Env.t * Errortrace.comparison Errortrace.t
| Manifest of Env.t * Errortrace.comparison Errortrace.t
| Private_variant of Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr * private_variant_mismatch
| Private_object of Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr * private_object_mismatch
| Variance
| Record_mismatch of record_mismatch
| Variant_mismatch of variant_mismatch
| Unboxed_representation of position
| Immediate of Type_immediacy.Violation.t
val value_descriptions :
loc:Location.t ->
Env.t ->
string ->
Types.value_description ->
Types.value_description ->
val type_declarations :
?equality:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
Env.t ->
mark:bool ->
string ->
Types.type_declaration ->
Path.t ->
Types.type_declaration ->
type_mismatch option
val extension_constructors :
loc:Location.t ->
Env.t ->
mark:bool ->
Ident.t ->
Types.extension_constructor ->
Types.extension_constructor ->
extension_constructor_mismatch option
val report_type_mismatch :
string ->
string ->
string ->
Format.formatter ->
type_mismatch ->
val report_extension_constructor_mismatch :
string ->
string ->
string ->
Format.formatter ->
extension_constructor_mismatch ->
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"