package ocaml-base-compiler
val print_pos : Format.formatter -> position -> unit
map_diff f {expected;got}
is {expected=f expected; got=f got}
type 'a escape_kind =
| Constructor of Path.t
| Univ of Types.type_expr
| Self
| Module_type of Path.t
| Equation of 'a
| Constraint
Scope escape related errors
val short : Types.type_expr -> desc
type 'variety variant =
| Incompatible_types_for : string -> _ variant
| No_intersection : unification variant
| Fixed_row : position * fixed_row_case * Types.fixed_explanation -> unification variant
| Openness : position -> comparison variant
type ('a, 'variety) elt =
| Diff : 'a diff -> ('a, _) elt
| Variant : 'variety variant -> ('a, 'variety) elt
| Obj : 'variety obj -> ('a, 'variety) elt
| Escape : 'a escape -> ('a, _) elt
| Incompatible_fields : {
name : string;
diff : Types.type_expr diff;
} -> ('a, _) elt
| Rec_occur : Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr -> ('a, _) elt
val diff : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr -> (desc, _) elt
val flatten :
(Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr -> 'a) ->
'variety t ->
('a, 'variety) elt list
flatten f trace
flattens all elements of type desc
in trace
to either f x.t expanded
if x.expanded=Some expanded
or f x.t x.t
val incompatible_fields :
string ->
Types.type_expr ->
Types.type_expr ->
(desc, _) elt
module Subtype : sig ... end
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"