package ocaml-base-compiler
type value_unbound_reason =
| Val_unbound_instance_variable
| Val_unbound_self
| Val_unbound_ancestor
| Val_unbound_ghost_recursive of Location.t
type summary =
| Env_empty
| Env_value of summary * Ident.t * Types.value_description
| Env_type of summary * Ident.t * Types.type_declaration
| Env_extension of summary * Ident.t * Types.extension_constructor
| Env_module of summary * Ident.t * Types.module_presence * Types.module_declaration
| Env_modtype of summary * Ident.t * Types.modtype_declaration
| Env_class of summary * Ident.t * Types.class_declaration
| Env_cltype of summary * Ident.t * Types.class_type_declaration
| Env_open of summary * Path.t
(*The string set argument of
represents a list of module names to skip, i.e. that won't be imported in the toplevel namespace.| Env_functor_arg of summary * Ident.t
| Env_constraints of summary * Types.type_declaration Path.Map.t
| Env_copy_types of summary
| Env_persistent of summary * Ident.t
| Env_value_unbound of summary * string * value_unbound_reason
| Env_module_unbound of summary * string * module_unbound_reason
val empty : t
val initial_safe_string : t
val initial_unsafe_string : t
type type_descr_kind =
(Types.label_description, Types.constructor_description) Types.type_kind
type type_descriptions = type_descr_kind
val iter_types :
(Path.t -> (Path.t * Types.type_declaration) -> unit) ->
t ->
val used_persistent : unit -> Types.Concr.t
val find_value : Path.t -> t -> Types.value_description
val find_type : Path.t -> t -> Types.type_declaration
val find_type_descrs : Path.t -> t -> type_descriptions
val find_module : Path.t -> t -> Types.module_declaration
val find_modtype : Path.t -> t -> Types.modtype_declaration
val find_class : Path.t -> t -> Types.class_declaration
val find_cltype : Path.t -> t -> Types.class_type_declaration
val find_ident_constructor : Ident.t -> t -> Types.constructor_description
val find_ident_label : Ident.t -> t -> Types.label_description
val find_type_expansion :
Path.t ->
t ->
Types.type_expr list * Types.type_expr * int
val find_type_expansion_opt :
Path.t ->
t ->
Types.type_expr list * Types.type_expr * int
val find_modtype_expansion : Path.t -> t -> Types.module_type
val find_hash_type : Path.t -> t -> Types.type_declaration
val normalize_module_path : Location.t option -> t -> Path.t -> Path.t
val normalize_type_path : Location.t option -> t -> Path.t -> Path.t
val normalize_path_prefix : Location.t option -> t -> Path.t -> Path.t
val get_required_globals : unit -> Ident.t list
val add_required_global : Ident.t -> unit
val has_local_constraints : t -> bool
val mark_value_used : Types.Uid.t -> unit
val mark_module_used : Types.Uid.t -> unit
val mark_type_used : Types.Uid.t -> unit
val mark_constructor_used :
constructor_usage ->
Types.constructor_declaration ->
val mark_extension_used :
constructor_usage ->
Types.extension_constructor ->
val mark_label_used : label_usage -> Types.label_declaration -> unit
type lookup_error =
| Unbound_value of Longident.t * unbound_value_hint
| Unbound_type of Longident.t
| Unbound_constructor of Longident.t
| Unbound_label of Longident.t
| Unbound_module of Longident.t
| Unbound_class of Longident.t
| Unbound_modtype of Longident.t
| Unbound_cltype of Longident.t
| Unbound_instance_variable of string
| Not_an_instance_variable of string
| Masked_instance_variable of Longident.t
| Masked_self_variable of Longident.t
| Masked_ancestor_variable of Longident.t
| Structure_used_as_functor of Longident.t
| Abstract_used_as_functor of Longident.t
| Functor_used_as_structure of Longident.t
| Abstract_used_as_structure of Longident.t
| Generative_used_as_applicative of Longident.t
| Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module
| Cannot_scrape_alias of Longident.t * Path.t
val lookup_error : Location.t -> t -> lookup_error -> 'a
val lookup_value :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.value_description
val lookup_type :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.type_declaration
val lookup_module :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.module_declaration
val lookup_modtype :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.modtype_declaration
val lookup_class :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.class_declaration
val lookup_cltype :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.class_type_declaration
val lookup_module_path :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
load:bool ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
val lookup_constructor :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
constructor_usage ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
val lookup_all_constructors :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
constructor_usage ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
((Types.constructor_description * (unit -> unit)) list,
Location.t * t * lookup_error)
val lookup_all_constructors_from_type :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
constructor_usage ->
Path.t ->
t ->
(Types.constructor_description * (unit -> unit)) list
val lookup_label :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
label_usage ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
val lookup_all_labels :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
label_usage ->
Longident.t ->
t ->
((Types.label_description * (unit -> unit)) list,
Location.t * t * lookup_error)
val lookup_all_labels_from_type :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
label_usage ->
Path.t ->
t ->
(Types.label_description * (unit -> unit)) list
val lookup_instance_variable :
?use:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
string ->
t ->
Path.t * Asttypes.mutable_flag * string * Types.type_expr
val find_value_by_name : Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * Types.value_description
val find_type_by_name : Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * Types.type_declaration
val find_module_by_name : Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * Types.module_declaration
val find_modtype_by_name :
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.modtype_declaration
val find_class_by_name : Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * Types.class_declaration
val find_cltype_by_name :
Longident.t ->
t ->
Path.t * Types.class_type_declaration
val find_constructor_by_name :
Longident.t ->
t ->
val find_label_by_name : Longident.t -> t -> Types.label_description
val bound_value : string -> t -> bool
val bound_module : string -> t -> bool
val bound_type : string -> t -> bool
val bound_modtype : string -> t -> bool
val bound_class : string -> t -> bool
val bound_cltype : string -> t -> bool
val add_value :
?check:(string -> Warnings.t) ->
Ident.t ->
Types.value_description ->
t ->
val add_type : check:bool -> Ident.t -> Types.type_declaration -> t -> t
val add_extension :
check:bool ->
rebind:bool ->
Ident.t ->
Types.extension_constructor ->
t ->
val add_module :
?arg:bool ->
Ident.t ->
Types.module_presence ->
Types.module_type ->
t ->
val add_module_declaration :
?arg:bool ->
check:bool ->
Ident.t ->
Types.module_presence ->
Types.module_declaration ->
t ->
val add_modtype : Ident.t -> Types.modtype_declaration -> t -> t
val add_class : Ident.t -> Types.class_declaration -> t -> t
val add_cltype : Ident.t -> Types.class_type_declaration -> t -> t
val add_local_type : Path.t -> Types.type_declaration -> t -> t
val persistent_structures_of_dir : Load_path.Dir.t -> Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.t
val add_item : Types.signature_item -> t -> t
val add_signature : Types.signature -> t -> t
val open_signature :
?used_slot:bool ref ->
?loc:Location.t ->
?toplevel:bool ->
Asttypes.override_flag ->
Path.t ->
t ->
(t, [ `Not_found | `Functor ]) result
val enter_value :
?check:(string -> Warnings.t) ->
string ->
Types.value_description ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_type :
scope:int ->
string ->
Types.type_declaration ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_extension :
scope:int ->
rebind:bool ->
string ->
Types.extension_constructor ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_module :
scope:int ->
?arg:bool ->
string ->
Types.module_presence ->
Types.module_type ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_module_declaration :
scope:int ->
?arg:bool ->
string ->
Types.module_presence ->
Types.module_declaration ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_modtype :
scope:int ->
string ->
Types.modtype_declaration ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_class :
scope:int ->
string ->
Types.class_declaration ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_cltype :
scope:int ->
string ->
Types.class_type_declaration ->
t ->
Ident.t * t
val enter_signature : scope:int -> Types.signature -> t -> Types.signature * t
val enter_unbound_value : string -> value_unbound_reason -> t -> t
val enter_unbound_module : string -> module_unbound_reason -> t -> t
val read_signature : Misc.modname -> Misc.filepath -> Types.signature
val save_signature :
alerts:Misc.alerts ->
Types.signature ->
Misc.modname ->
Misc.filepath ->
val save_signature_with_imports :
alerts:Misc.alerts ->
Types.signature ->
Misc.modname ->
Misc.filepath ->
Misc.crcs ->
val crc_of_unit : Misc.modname -> Digest.t
val imports : unit -> Misc.crcs
val import_crcs : source:string -> Misc.crcs -> unit
val is_imported_opaque : Misc.modname -> bool
val register_import_as_opaque : Misc.modname -> unit
type error =
| Missing_module of Location.t * Path.t * Path.t
| Illegal_value_name of Location.t * string
| Lookup_error of Location.t * t * lookup_error
exception Error of error
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit
val report_lookup_error :
Location.t ->
t ->
Format.formatter ->
lookup_error ->
val is_in_signature : t -> bool
val set_value_used_callback : Types.value_description -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val set_type_used_callback :
Types.type_declaration ->
((unit -> unit) -> unit) ->
val check_functor_application :
(errors:bool ->
loc:Location.t ->
lid_whole_app:Longident.t ->
f0_path:Path.t ->
args:(Path.t * Types.module_type) list ->
arg_path:Path.t ->
arg_mty:Types.module_type ->
param_mty:Types.module_type ->
t ->
val check_well_formed_module :
(t -> Location.t -> string -> Types.module_type -> unit) ref
val add_delayed_check_forward : ((unit -> unit) -> unit) ref
val strengthen :
(aliasable:bool -> t -> Types.module_type -> Path.t -> Types.module_type) ref
val same_constr : (t -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr -> bool) ref
val print_longident : (Format.formatter -> Longident.t -> unit) ref
val print_path : (Format.formatter -> Path.t -> unit) ref
val fold_values :
(string -> Path.t -> Types.value_description -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
val fold_types :
(string -> Path.t -> Types.type_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
val fold_constructors :
(Types.constructor_description -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
val fold_labels :
(Types.label_description -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
val fold_modules :
(string -> Path.t -> Types.module_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
Persistent structures are only traversed if they are already loaded.
val fold_modtypes :
(string -> Path.t -> Types.modtype_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
val fold_classes :
(string -> Path.t -> Types.class_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
val fold_cltypes :
(string -> Path.t -> Types.class_type_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
Longident.t option ->
t ->
'a ->
val scrape_alias : t -> Types.module_type -> Types.module_type
val check_value_name : string -> Location.t -> unit
val print_address : Format.formatter -> address -> unit
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">