package oasis

  1. Overview
  2. No Docs
Architecture for building OCaml libraries and applications


Dune Dependency






OASIS is a tool to integrate a configure, build and install system in your OCaml project. It helps to create standard entry points in your build system and allows external tools to analyse your project easily.

OASIS first target is OCamlbuild, but other build system support is planned.

Published: 21 Nov 2013

Dev Dependencies


  1. alcotest >= "0.4.8" & < "0.5.0"
  2. aliases
  3. amf < "0.1.2"
  4. async-zmq < "0.1.0"
  5. aws < "1.0.0"
  6. bap-veri
  7. bare
  8. bisect-summary
  9. bistro < "0.2.0"
  10. bitmasks < "1.1.0"
  11. brotli < "2.0.3"
  12. c3 < "0.4.0"
  13. callipyge < "0.2"
  14. caravan
  15. containers = "0.16" | = "0.22"
  16. cow >= "2.0.0" & < "2.2.0"
  17. crc = "1.0.0"
  18. csvprovider
  19. deriving-yojson < "0.4"
  20. dropbox < "0.2"
  21. elasticsearch-cli < "0.5"
  22. ezxenstore < "0.1.2"
  23. facebook-sdk
  24. farmhash < "0.4"
  25. flock
  26. forkwork
  27. genspir < "1.0.0"
  28. gperftools = "0.3"
  29. gufo
  30. hamt < "1.0.0"
  31. humane-re
  32. indexmap
  33. irc-client >= "0.3.1" & < "0.4.0"
  34. joolog
  35. ketrew < "2.0.0"
  36. libvhd
  37. lmdb < "1.0"
  38. lwt-binio >= "0.2.0"
  39. lwt-parallel >= "0.1.1" & < "1.0.0"
  40. maildir
  41. message-switch >= "1.4.0"
  42. mirage-block < "1.0.0"
  43. mirage-block-ramdisk < "0.3"
  44. mkaudio < "1.1.0"
  45. mld >= "0.2"
  46. mlgmp
  47. mlmpfr < "4.0.2+dune"
  48. monadlib
  49. mpris = "0.1.1"
  50. mqtt_client
  51. murmur3 < "0.3"
  52. mustache < "1.0.0"
  53. nbd >= "2.0.1" & != "2.2.0" & < "4.0.3"
  54. nlopt-ocaml < "transition"
  55. nunchaku = "0.3.1" | = "0.5"
  56. oasis2opam >= "0.3.3" & < "0.4.0"
  57. obus = "1.1.8"
  58. ocephes < "0.8.1"
  59. odate < "0.6"
  60. ogen
  61. omonad
  62. opasswd = "1.0.1"
  63. opium != "0.10.1" & < "0.14.0"
  64. osc < "0.2.0"
  65. pa_bin_prot < "113.00.01"
  66. pa_fields_conv < "113.00.01"
  67. pa_sexp_conv < "113.00.01"
  68. pa_typerep_conv < "113.00.01"
  69. pa_variants_conv < "109.15.04"
  70. pci-db
  71. perf
  72. ppx_json_types
  73. ppx_where
  74. qcow-format
  75. qrencode < "0.2"
  76. qtest < "2.2"
  77. ranger
  78. receive-mail
  79. rope < "0.6"
  80. rpc >= "1.9.51" & < "5.9.0"
  81. rtime
  82. sanlock
  83. shared-block-ring >= "2.3.0" & < "3.0.0"
  84. shared-secret < "0.4"
  85. should
  86. sid
  87. simple_pam
  88. sociaml-facebook-api
  89. sociaml-oauth-client
  90. sociaml-tumblr-api
  91. sociaml-vcard
  92. sqlexpr < "0.5.5"
  93. sqlite3EZ
  94. starterkit
  95. stationary
  96. subtype-refinement < "0.2"
  97. syndic = "1.5"
  98. telegraml < "2.2.0"
  99. tls = "0.7.1"
  100. trakeva < "0.1.0"
  101. tsdl-image < "0.3.0"
  102. tsdl-mixer < "0.3.0"
  103. tsdl-ttf < "0.3"
  104. udunits
  105. vhd-tool >= "0.12.0"
  106. vpnkit < "0.1.1"
  107. webtest < "2.0.0"
  108. x509 >= "0.5.1" & < "0.6.0"
  109. xapi-forkexecd
  110. xapi-inventory < "1.2.1"
  111. xapi-rrd < "1.8.2"
  112. xapi-stdext
  113. xapi-tapctl
  114. xapi-xenops
  115. xe >= "0.6.3"
  116. xen-api-client >= "0.9.10"
  117. xen-gnt = "2.0.0"
  118. xentropyd >= "0.9.3"
  119. zbar
  120. zipperposition < "1.1"
  121. zmq < "4.0-7"
  122. zstd < "0.3"




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