package melange-json
Dune Dependency
Provides tools for converting JSON to typed OCaml values in Melange. It includes custom encoders, decoders, and a PPX for automating these conversions.
Published: 14 Mar 2025
Compositional JSON encode/decode library and PPX for Melange.
Based on @glennsl/bs-json.
The Decode module in particular provides a basic set of decoder functions to be composed into more complex decoders. A decoder is a function that takes a Js.Json.t
and either returns a value of the desired type if successful or raises an Of_json_error
exception if not. Other functions accept a decoder and produce another decoder. Like array
, which when given a decoder for type t
will return a decoder that tries to produce a value of type t array
. So to decode an int array
you combine
with Melange_json.Of_json.array
into Melange_json.Of_json.(array int)
. An array of arrays of ints? Melange_json.Of_json.(array (array int))
. Dict containing arrays of ints? Melange_json.Of_json.(dict (array int))
type line = {
start: point,
end_: point,
thickness: option(int)
and point = {
x: int,
y: int
module Decode = {
let point = json =>
x: json |> field("x", int),
y: json |> field("y", int)
let line = json =>
start: json |> field("start", point),
end_: json |> field("end", point),
thickness: json |> try_or_none(field("thickness", int))
let data = {| {
"start": { "x": 1, "y": -4 },
"end": { "x": 5, "y": 8 }
} |};
let line = data |> Melange_json.of_string
|> Decode.line;
NOTE: Melange_json.Of_json.{ ... }
creates an ordinary record, but also opens the Melange_json.Of_json
module locally, within the scope delimited by the curly braces, so we don't have to qualify the functions we use from it, like field
, int
and try_or_none
here. You can also use Melange_json.Of_json.( ... )
to open the module locally within the parentheses, if you're not creating a record.
See examples for more.
Install opam package manager.
opam install melange-json
Add melange-json
to the libraries
field in your dune
; ...
(libraries melange-json)
; ...
For the moment, please see the interface files:
Writing custom decoders and encoders
If you look at the type signature of Melange_json.Decode.array
, for example, you'll see it takes an 'a decoder
and returns an 'a array decoder
. 'a decoder
is just an alias for Js.Json.t -> 'a
, so if we expand the type signature of array
we'll get (Js.Json.t -> 'a) -> Js.Json.t -> 'a array
. We can now see that it is a function that takes a decoder and returns a function, itself a decoder. Applying the int
decoder to array
will give us an int array decoder
, a function Js.Json.t -> int array
If you've written a function that takes just Js.Json.t
and returns user-defined types of your own, you've already been writing composable decoders! Let's look at Decode.point
from the example above:
let point = json => {
open! Melange_json.Decode;
x: json |> field("x", int),
y: json |> field("y", int)
This is a function Js.Json.t -> point
, or a point decoder
. So if we'd like to decode an array of points, we can just pass it to Melange_json.Of_json.array
to get a point array decoder
in return.
To write a decoder builder like Melange_json.Of_json.array
we need to take another decoder as an argument, and thanks to currying we just need to apply it where we'd otherwise use a fixed decoder. Say we want to be able to decode both int point
s and float point
s. First we'd have to parameterize the type:
type point('a) = {
x: 'a,
y: 'a
Then we can change our point
function from above to take and use a decoder argument:
let point = (decodeNumber, json) => {
open! Melange_json.Decode;
x: json |> field("x", decodeNumber),
y: json |> field("y", decodeNumber)
And if we wish we can now create aliases for each variant:
let intPoint = point(;
let floatPoint = point(Melange_json.Of_json.float);
Encoders work exactly the same way, just in reverse. 'a encoder
is just an alias for 'a -> Js.Json.t
, and this also transfers to composition: 'a encoder -> 'a array encoder
expands to ('a -> Js.Json.t) -> 'a array -> Js.Json.t
PPX for Melange
A ppx deriver plugin is provided to automatically convert Melange values to and from JSON.
The PPX is included in the melange-json
package. To use it, just add the dune
configuration to your project:
(modes melange)
(preprocess (pps melange-json.ppx)))
To generate JSON converters for a type, add the [@@deriving json]
attribute to the type declaration, ensuring the converters for primitives like int
and string
are in scope if necessary:
open Melange_json.Primitives
type t = {
a: int;
b: string;
} [@@deriving json]
This will generate the following pair of functions:
val of_json : Js.Json.t -> t
val to_json : t -> Js.Json.t
Generating JSON converters from type expressions
You can also generate JSON converters for a type expression using the to_json
and of_json
extension points:
let json = [%to_json: int * string] (42, "foo")
[@json.default E]
: default values for records
You can specify default values for record fields using the [@json.default E]
type t = {
a: int;
b: string [@json.default "-"];
} [@@deriving of_json]
let t = of_json (Melange_json.of_string {|{"a": 42}|})
(* t = { a = 42; b = "-"; } *)
: a shortcut for [@json.default None]
When a field has type _ option
then you can use the [@json.option]
attribute to specify that the default value is None
type t = {
a: int;
b: string option [@json.option];
} [@@deriving of_json]
let t = of_json (Melange_json.of_string {|{"a": 42}|})
(* t = { a = 42; b = None; } *)
: drop default values from JSON
When a field has [@option]
attribute one can use [@json.drop_default]
attribute to make the generated to_json
function to drop the field if it's value is None
type t = {
a: int;
b: string option [@json.option] [@json.drop_default];
} [@@deriving to_json]
let t = to_json { a = 1; b = None; }
(* {"a": 1} *)
[@json.key "S"]
: customizing keys for record fields
You can specify custom keys for record fields using the [@json.key E]
type t = {
a: int [@json.key "A"];
b: string [@json.key "B"];
} [@@deriving of_json]
let t = of_json (Melange_json.of_string {|{"A": 42, "B": "foo"}|})
(* t = { a = 42; b = "foo"; } *)
[ "S"]
: customizing the representation of a variant case
You can specify custom representation for a variant case using the [ E]
type t = A | B [ "bbb"] [@@deriving json]
let json = to_json B
(* "bbb" *)
[@@deriving json_string]
: a shortcut for JSON string conversion
For convenience, one can use [@@deriving json_string]
to generate converters directly to and from JSON strings:
type t = A [@@deriving json, json_string]
let "\"A\"" = to_json_string A
let A = of_json_string "\"A\""
Similarly, there's [@@deriving to_json_string]
and [@@deriving of_json_string]
to generate the converters separately.
PPX for OCaml native
A similar PPX is exposed in the melange-json-native
package, which works with the yojson
JSON representation instead of Js.Json.t
The PPX is included in melange-json-native
package, so that package will have to be installed first:
opam install melange-json-native
To use it, add the dune
configuration to your project:
(preprocess (pps melange-json-native.ppx)))
From the usage perspective, the PPX is similar to the Melange one:
type t = {
a: int;
b: string;
} [@@deriving json]
This will generate the following pair of functions:
val of_json : Yojson.Basic.json -> t
val to_json : t -> Yojson.Basic.json
Refer to the PPX for Melange section for more details on usage patterns.
This work is dual-licensed under LGPL 3.0 and MPL 2.0. You can choose between one of them if you use this work.
Please see LICENSE.LGPL-3.0 and LICENSE.MPL-2.0 for the full text of each license.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 OR MPL-2.0
Dev Dependencies (6)
>= "0.27.0" & with-test
>= "3.10.0" & with-test
Used by (1)
>= "3.0.1"