package mdx

  1. Overview
  2. No Docs
Executable code blocks inside markdown files


Dune Dependency






ocaml-mdx allows to execute code blocks inside markdown files. There are (currently) two sub-commands, corresponding to two modes of operations: pre-processing (ocaml-mdx pp) and tests (ocaml-mdx test).

The pre-processor mode allows to mix documentation and code, and to practice "literate programming" using markdown and OCaml.

The test mode allows to ensure that shell scripts and OCaml fragments in the documentation always stays up-to-date.

ocaml-mdx is released as two binaries called ocaml-mdx and mdx which are the same, mdx being the deprecated name, kept for now for compatibility.

Published: 12 Feb 2021

Dependencies (13)

  1. odoc >= "1.5.0" & < "2.0.0"
  2. ocaml-version >= "2.3.0"
  3. result
  4. re >= "1.7.2"
  5. cmdliner >= "1.0.0"
  6. logs >= "0.5.0"
  7. astring
  8. csexp >= "1.3.2"
  9. cppo build & >= "1.1.0"
  10. fmt >= "0.8.5"
  11. ocamlfind >= "1.7.2"
  12. ocaml >= "4.02.3" & < "4.13"
  13. dune >= "2.2"

Dev Dependencies (3)

  1. cmdliner with-test & < "1.1.0"
  2. alcotest with-test
  3. lwt with-test

Used by (62)

  1. bastet
  2. bastet_async
  3. bastet_lwt
  4. calculon = "0.4"
  5. calculon-web = "0.4"
  6. carbon
  7. castore >= "0.0.2"
  8. cconv-ppx
  9. cohttp-eio
  10. containers >= "2.8" & < "3.0"
  11. containers-data >= "3.11"
  12. current_examples >= "0.6"
  13. current_git >= "0.6.1"
  14. datalog >= "0.6"
  15. dolmen >= "0.8" & < "0.10"
  16. dolmen_loop = "0.9"
  17. dune-release >= "1.4.0" & < "1.5.2"
  18. electrod >= "0.5"
  19. ezcurl-lwt
  20. fuseau
  21. geojson
  22. geojsone
  23. gitlab < "0.1.1"
  24. gitlab-jsoo < "0.1.1"
  25. gitlab-unix < "0.1.1"
  26. hilite
  27. http-cookie >= "4.1.0"
  28. ISO3166
  29. iter
  30. lab < "0.1.8"
  31. lambda_streams
  32. lwt-pipe
  33. merlin >= "3.3.0" & != "3.3.4~4.10preview1" & < "4.1-411"
  34. msat >= "0.8"
  35. multibase
  36. multicodec
  37. multihash-digestif
  38. odoc >= "2.0.0" & < "2.3.0"
  39. ortac-qcheck-stm < "0.2.0"
  40. pa_ppx_parsetree < "0.02"
  41. pa_ppx_quotation2extension < "0.02"
  42. pa_ppx_regexp < "0.02"
  43. pa_ppx_static < "0.02"
  44. polars
  45. polars_async
  46. ppx_deriving_yaml < "0.2.2"
  47. preface
  48. printbox = "0.2"
  49. printbox-html >= "0.7"
  50. printbox-md
  51. printbox-text
  52. reparse >= "3.0.0"
  53. routes != "0.5.2" & != "0.7.2"
  54. search
  55. spelll >= "0.3"
  56. spin = "0.6.0"
  57. tls-eio
  58. wtr
  59. wtr-ppx
  60. yaml >= "1.0.0" & < "3.1.0"
  61. yaml-sexp < "3.1.0"
  62. zarith-ppx




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