package logtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

TPTP constructors and printing

The constructors take the semantics of TPTP into consideration. In particular, wildcard (fresh variables) are inserted in front of ad-hoc polymorphic symbols such as eq or neq.

val true_ : t
val false_ : t
val var : ?loc:location -> ?ty:t -> string -> t
val const : ?loc:location -> LogtkSymbol.t -> t
val app : ?loc:location -> t -> t list -> t
val bind : ?loc:location -> LogtkSymbol.t -> t list -> t -> t
val and_ : ?loc:location -> t list -> t
val or_ : ?loc:location -> t list -> t
val not_ : ?loc:location -> t -> t
val equiv : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val xor : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val imply : ?loc:location -> t -> t -> t
val eq : ?loc:location -> ?ty:t -> t -> t -> t
val neq : ?loc:location -> ?ty:t -> t -> t -> t
val forall : ?loc:location -> t list -> t -> t
val exists : ?loc:location -> t list -> t -> t
val lambda : ?loc:location -> t list -> t -> t
val mk_fun_ty : ?loc:location -> t list -> t -> t
val tType : t
val forall_ty : ?loc:location -> t list -> t -> t
include LogtkInterfaces.PRINT with type t := t
val pp : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
val fmt : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.