package logtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Memoization caches


module type EQ = sig ... end
module type HASH = sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end

LogtkSignature of a cache for values

module type S2 = sig ... end

LogtkSignature of a cache for pairs of values

Dummy cache (no caching)

module Dummy (X : sig ... end) : S with type key = X.t
module Dummy2 (X : sig ... end) (Y : sig ... end) : S2 with type key1 = X.t and type key2 = Y.t

Small linear cache

This cache stores (key,value) pairs in an array, that is traversed linearily. It is therefore only reasonable for small sizes (like 5).

module Linear (X : EQ) : S with type key = X.t
module Linear2 (X : EQ) (Y : EQ) : S2 with type key1 = X.t and type key2 = Y.t

Hashtables that resolve collisions by replacing

module Replacing (X : HASH) : S with type key = X.t
module Replacing2 (X : HASH) (Y : HASH) : S2 with type key1 = X.t and type key2 = Y.t

Hashtables with Least Recently Used eviction policy

module LRU (X : HASH) : S with type key = X.t

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