Module type
Class type
Logs reporter via syslog using Lwt and TLS
Please read Logs_syslog
val tcp_tls_reporter :
?hostname:string ->
Lwt_unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
cacert:string ->
cert:string ->
priv_key:string ->
?truncate:int ->
?framing:Logs_syslog.framing ->
?facility:Syslog_message.facility ->
unit ->
(Logs.reporter, string) result Lwt.t
tcp_tls_reporter ~hostname remote_ip ~port ~cacert ~cert ~priv_key ~truncate ~framing ()
is Ok reporter
or Error msg
. The TLS connection validates the certificate of the log server, it must be signed by cacert
. The reporters credentials are its public cert
, and its priv_key
. The reporter
sends each log message to remote_ip, port
via TLS. If the initial TLS connection to the remote_ip
fails, an Error msg
is returned instead. If the TLS connection fails, the log message is reported to standard error, and an attempt is made to re-establish the TLS connection. Each message can be truncated after truncate
bytes (defaults to no truncation). Each message is framed: by default a single byte containing 0 is appended, depending on framing
, its length could be prepended, as specified in RFC 5125. The default value for hostname
is Lwt_unix.gethostname ()
, the default value for port
is 6514. facility
is the default syslog facility (see Logs_syslog.message
To install a Lwt syslog reporter, sending via TLS to localhost, use the following snippet (assuming you already have certificates, and the common name of the collector is "log server"):
let install_logger () =
tls_reporter (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "")
~cacert:"ca.pem" ~cert:"log.pem" ~priv_key:"log.key"
() >|= function
| Ok r -> Logs.set_reporter r
| Error e -> print_endline e
let _ = (install_logger ())