Module type
Class type
Logs reporter via syslog, using Lwt
Please read Logs_syslog
val udp_reporter :
?hostname:string ->
Lwt_unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
?truncate:int ->
?facility:Syslog_message.facility ->
unit ->
Logs.reporter Lwt.t
udp_reporter ~hostname remote_ip ~port ~truncate ()
is reporter
, which sends syslog message using the given hostname
to remote_ip, remote_port
via UDP. Each message is truncated to truncate
bytes (defaults to 65535). The hostname
default to Lwt_unix.gethostname ()
, port
defaults to 514. facility
is the default syslog facility (see Logs_syslog.message
val tcp_reporter :
?hostname:string ->
Lwt_unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
?truncate:int ->
?framing:Logs_syslog.framing ->
?facility:Syslog_message.facility ->
unit ->
(Logs.reporter, string) result Lwt.t
tcp_reporter ~hostname remote_ip ~port ~truncate ~framing ()
is Ok reporter
or Error msg
. The reporter
sends each log message to remote_ip, port
via TCP. If the initial TCP connection to the remote_ip
fails, an Error msg
is returned instead. If the TCP connection fails, the log message is reported to standard error, and attempts are made to re-establish the TCP connection. Each syslog message is truncated to truncate
bytes (defaults to 0, thus no truncation). Each syslog message is framed (using framing
), the default strategy is to append a single byte containing 0. The hostname
default to Lwt_unix.gethostname ()
, port
to 514. facility
is the default syslog facility (see Logs_syslog.message
val unix_reporter :
?socket:string ->
?truncate:int ->
?framing:Logs_syslog.framing ->
?facility:Syslog_message.facility ->
unit ->
(Logs.reporter, string) result Lwt.t
unix_reporter ~socket ~truncate ~framing ()
is Ok reporter
or Error msg
. The reporter
sends each log message via syslog to socket
(which defaults to "/dev/log"
). If the initial connection to the socket fails, the log message is reported to standard error, and attempts are made to re-establish the connection. A syslog message is truncated to truncate
bytes and is framed according to the given framing
. The default for truncate
is 65536
if framing
is not provided and 0
otherwise. If framing
is not provided, then the socket used is a datagram socket (as for udp_reporter
) otherwise a stream socket is used (as for tcp_reporter
). facility
is the default syslog facility (see Logs_syslog.message
To install a Lwt syslog reporter, sending via UDP to localhost, use the following snippet:
let install_logger () =
udp_reporter (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "") () >|= fun r ->
Logs.set_reporter r
let _ = (install_logger ())
And via TCP:
let install_logger () =
tcp_reporter (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "") () >|= function
| Ok r -> Logs.set_reporter r
| Error e -> print_endline e
let _ = (install_logger ())