package liquidsoap-lang

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Runtime_error end
type runtime_error = private Runtime_error.runtime_error = {
  1. kind : string;
  2. msg : string;
  3. pos : Pos.t list;
exception Runtime_error of runtime_error
val on_error : (runtime_error -> unit) -> unit
val make : ?message:string -> pos:Pos.t list -> string -> runtime_error
val raise : ?bt:Printexc.raw_backtrace -> ?message:string -> pos:Pos.t list -> string -> 'a
exception Encoder_error of Pos.Option.t * string
val error_module : string
type error = private Runtime_error.runtime_error = {
  1. kind : string;
  2. msg : string;
  3. pos : Pos.List.t;
module ErrorDef : sig ... end
module Error : sig ... end
val error_t : Type.t
val error : Error.content -> Value.t
val to_error : Liquidsoap_lang__Value.t -> Error.content

Innovation. Community. Security.