package liquidsoap-lang

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Documenentation for values.

type flag = [
  1. | `Hidden
  2. | `Deprecated
  3. | `Experimental
  4. | `Extra

Documentation flags.

val string_of_flag : flag -> string
val flag_of_string : string -> [> `Deprecated | `Experimental | `Extra | `Hidden ] option
type source = [
  1. | `Input
  2. | `Output
  3. | `Conversion
  4. | `FFmpegFilter
  5. | `Track
  6. | `Audio
  7. | `Video
  8. | `MIDI
  9. | `Visualization
  10. | `Synthesis
  11. | `Testing
  12. | `Fade
  13. | `Liquidsoap

Kind of source.

type category = [
  1. | `Source of source
  2. | `Track of source
  3. | `System
  4. | `File
  5. | `Math
  6. | `String
  7. | `List
  8. | `Bool
  9. | `Getter
  10. | `Time
  11. | `Liquidsoap
  12. | `Metadata
  13. | `Programming
  14. | `Interaction
  15. | `Internet
  16. | `Configuration
  17. | `Settings
  18. | `None
val categories : (category * string) list
val string_of_category : category -> string
val category_of_string : string -> category option
type argument = {
  1. arg_type : string;
  2. arg_default : string option;

    default value

  3. arg_description : string option;
type meth = {
  1. meth_type : string;
  2. meth_description : string option;
type t = {
  1. typ : string;
  2. category : category;
  3. flags : flag list;
  4. description : string;
  5. examples : string list;
  6. arguments : (string option * argument) list;
  7. methods : (string * meth) list;

Documentation for a function.

val db : t Lazy.t Map.t ref
val add : string -> t Lazy.t -> unit
val get : Map.key -> t
val count : unit -> int
val print_functions : (Map.key -> unit) -> unit

Only print function names.

val print_functions_by_category : (string -> unit) -> unit
val colorize : Console.text_style list -> string -> string
val title_color : string -> string
val type_color : string -> string
val default_color : string -> string
val label_color : string -> string
val print : Map.key -> (string -> unit) -> unit
val to_json : unit -> Json.t
val print_functions_md : ?extra:bool -> ?deprecated:bool -> (string -> unit) -> unit
val print_emacs_completions : (string -> unit) -> unit

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