package lambdapi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Configuration for tactics based on first-order logic.

type config = {
  1. symb_Prop : Core.Term.sym;

    Type of propositions.

  2. symb_P : Core.Term.sym;

    Encoding of propositions.

  3. symb_Set : Core.Term.sym;

    Type of sets.

  4. symb_T : Core.Term.sym;

    Encoding of types.

  5. symb_or : Core.Term.sym;

    Disjunction(∨) symbol.

  6. symb_and : Core.Term.sym;

    Conjunction(∧) symbol.

  7. symb_imp : Core.Term.sym;

    Implication(⇒) symbol.

  8. symb_eqv : Core.Term.sym;

    Equivalence(⇔) symbol.

  9. symb_bot : Core.Term.sym;

    Bot(⊥) symbol.

  10. symb_top : Core.Term.sym;

    Top(⊤) symbol.

  11. symb_not : Core.Term.sym;

    Not(¬) symbol.

  12. symb_ex : Core.Term.sym;

    Exists(∃) symbol.

  13. symb_all : Core.Term.sym;

    Forall(∀) symbol.


Builtin configuration for propositional logic.

val get_config : Core.Sig_state.t -> Common.Pos.popt -> config

get_config ss pos build the configuration using ss.


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