Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Evaluation and conversion.
Preliminary remarks. We define the head-structure of a term t as:
(and ?M is not instantiated)A term t is in head-normal form (hnf) if its head-structure is invariant by reduction.
A term t is in weak head-normal form (whnf) if it is an abstraction or if it is in hnf. In particular, a term in head-normal form is in weak head-normal form.
A term t is in strong normal form (snf) if it cannot be reduced further.
val eta_equality : bool Timed.ref
Flag indicating whether eta-reduction should be used or not.
type rw_tag = [
| `NoBeta
If true, no beta-reduction is performed.
*)| `NoRw
If true, no user-defined rewrite rule is used.
*)| `NoExpand
If true, definitions are not expanded.
*) ]
Tags for rewriting configuration.
Functions that use the rewriting engine and accept an optional argument tags
of type rw_tag list
have the following behaviour.
) and performs beta reductions.rw_tag
.Reduction functions also accept an optional problem
that is used to store metavariables that may be created while rewriting. Such metavariables may be created by particular rewrite rules (such as unification rules), but not by rules declared with rule t ↪ u;
NOTE that all reduction functions, and eq_modulo
, may reduce in-place some subterms of the reduced term.
whnf ?tags c t
computes a whnf of the term t
in context c
eq_modulo c a b
tests the convertibility of a
and b
in context c
pure_eq_modulo c a b
tests the convertibility of a
and b
in context c
with no side effects.
val snf :
?dtree:(Term.sym -> Term.dtree) ->
?tags:rw_tag list ->
Term.ctxt ->
Term.term ->
snf ~dtree c t
computes a snf of t
, unfolding the variables defined in the context c
. The function dtree
maps symbols to dtrees.
hnf ?tags c t
computes a head-normal form of the term t
in context c
simplify c t
computes a beta whnf of t
in context c
belonging to the set S such that (1) terms of S are in beta whnf normal format, (2) if t
is a product, then both its domain and codomain are in S.
If s
is a non-opaque symbol having a definition, unfold_sym s t
replaces in t
all the occurrences of s
by its definition.
type strat = {
strategy : strategy;
Evaluation strategy.
*)steps : int option;
Max number of steps if given.