Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Translate the parser-level AST to Coq.
There are two modes:
The encoding can be specified through a lambdapi file (option --encoding).
In both modes, a renaming map can be provided to rename some identifiers.
The renaming map can be specified through a lambdapi file (option --renaming).
val log : 'a Lplib.Base.outfmt -> 'a
Symbols necessary to encode STT.
val index_of_builtin : builtin -> int
val builtin_of_index : int -> builtin
val builtin : Core.Term.qident array
val sym : builtin -> Core.Term.qident
Set renaming map from file.
val rmap : Lplib.Extra.StrMap.key Lplib.Extra.StrMap.t ref
Set symbols whose declarations have to be erased.
val erase : Lplib.Extra.StrSet.t ref
module Qid : sig ... end
module QidMap : sig ... end
Set encoding.
Translation of identifiers.
val raw_ident : string Lplib.Base.pp
val ident : Parsing.Syntax.p_ident Lplib.Base.pp
val param_id : Parsing.Syntax.p_ident option Lplib.Base.pp
val param_ids : Parsing.Syntax.p_ident option list Lplib.Base.pp
val raw_path : Common.Path.t Lplib.Base.pp
val path : Parsing.Syntax.p_path Lplib.Base.pp
val qident : Parsing.Syntax.p_qident Lplib.Base.pp
Translation of terms.
val stt : bool ref
val use_implicits : bool ref
val use_notations : bool ref
val p_get_args :
Parsing.Syntax.p_term ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_term * Parsing.Syntax.p_term list
val app :
Parsing.Syntax.p_term ->
(Parsing.Syntax.p_term -> Parsing.Syntax.p_term list -> 'a) ->
(Parsing.Syntax.p_term ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_term list ->
bool ->
builtin ->
'a) ->
val term : Parsing.Syntax.p_term Lplib.Base.pp
val arrow :
Format.formatter ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_term ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_term ->
val abst :
Format.formatter ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_params list ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_term ->
val prod :
Format.formatter ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_params list ->
Parsing.Syntax.p_term ->
val paren : Parsing.Syntax.p_term Lplib.Base.pp
val raw_params : Parsing.Syntax.p_params Lplib.Base.pp
val params : Parsing.Syntax.p_params Lplib.Base.pp
val params_list : Parsing.Syntax.p_params list Lplib.Base.pp
val params_list_in_abs : Parsing.Syntax.p_params list Lplib.Base.pp
val typopt : Parsing.Syntax.p_term option Lplib.Base.pp
Translation of commands.
val is_lem : Parsing.Syntax.p_modifier_aux Common.Pos.loc -> bool
val command : Parsing.Syntax.p_command Lplib.Base.pp
val ast : Parsing.Syntax.ast Lplib.Base.pp
Set Coq required file.
val require : string option ref
val print : Parsing.Syntax.ast -> unit