Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Functions to manipulate metavariables.
val log : 'a Lplib.Base.outfmt -> 'a
val meta_counter : int ref
reset_meta_counter ()
resets the counter used to produce meta keys.
val fresh : Term.problem -> Term.term -> int -> Term.meta
fresh p ?name a n
creates a fresh metavariable of type a
and arity n
with the optional name name
, and adds it to p
val fresh_box : Term.problem -> Term.tbox -> int -> Term.meta Bindlib.box
fresh_box p a n
is the boxed counterpart of fresh_meta
. It is only useful in the rare cases where the type of a metavariable contains a free term variable environment. This should only happens when scoping the rewriting rules, use this function with care. The metavariable is created immediately with a dummy type, and the type becomes valid at unboxing. The boxed metavariable should be unboxed at most once, otherwise its type may be rendered invalid in some contexts.
val set : Term.problem -> Term.meta -> Term.tmbinder -> unit
set p m v
sets the metavariable m
of p
to v
. WARNING: No specific check is performed, so this function may lead to cyclic terms. To use with care.
val make : Term.problem -> Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.term
make p ctx a
creates a fresh metavariable term of type a
in the context ctx
, and adds it to p
val bmake : Term.problem -> Term.bctxt -> Term.tbox -> Term.tbox
bmake p bctx a
is the boxed version of make
: it creates a fresh boxed metavariable in boxed context bctx
of boxed type a
. It is the same as lift (make p c b)
(provided that bctx
is boxed c
and a
is boxed b
), but more efficient.
val make_codomain : Term.problem -> Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.tbinder
make_codomain p ctx a
creates a fresh metavariable term of type Type
in the context ctx
extended with a fresh variable of type a
, and updates p
with generated metavariables.
val bmake_codomain :
Term.problem ->
Term.bctxt ->
Term.tbox ->
Term.tbinder Bindlib.box
bmake_codomain p bctx a
is make_codomain p bctx a
but on boxed terms.
iter b f c t
applies the function f
to every metavariable of t
and, if x
is a variable of t
mapped to v
in the context c
, then to every metavariable of v
, and to the type of every metavariable recursively if b
is true.