package herdtools7

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type atom = AST.identifier

Our basic variables.

module AtomOrdered : sig ... end
module AMap : sig ... end

A map from atoms.

type monomial =
  1. | Prod of int AMap.t

    Maps each variable to its exponent.


A unitary monomial.

They are unitary in the sense that they do not have any factors: 3 \times X^2 is not unitary, while x^2 is.

For example: X^2 + Y^4 represented by X \to 2, Y \to 4 , and 1 is represented by the empty map.

module MonomialOrdered : sig ... end
module MMap : sig ... end

A map from a monomial.

type polynomial =
  1. | Sum of Z.t MMap.t

    Maps each monomial to its factor.


A polynomial.

For example, X^2 - X + 4 is represented by X^2 \to 1, X \to -1, 1 \to 4

module PolynomialOrdered : sig ... end
module PMap : sig ... end

Map from polynomials.

type sign =
  1. | Null
  2. | StrictPositive
  3. | Positive
  4. | Negative
  5. | StrictNegative
  6. | NotNull

A constraint on a numerical value.

type ctnts =
  1. | Conjunction of sign PMap.t
  2. | Bottom

A conjunctive logical formulae with polynomials.

For example, X^2 \leq 0 is represented with X^2 \to \leq 0 .

type 'a disjunction =
  1. | Disjunction of 'a list

Case disjunctions.

type ir_expr = (ctnts * polynomial) disjunction

Constrained polynomials.

This is a branched tree of polynomials.

val pp_mono : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (monomial * Z.t) -> unit
val pp_poly : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> polynomial -> unit
val pp_sign : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sign -> unit
val pp_ctnt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (polynomial * sign) -> unit
val pp_ctnts : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ctnts -> unit
val pp_ctnts_and_poly : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (ctnts * polynomial) -> unit
val pp_ir : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (ctnts * polynomial) disjunction -> unit
val disjunction : 'a list -> 'a disjunction
val ctnts_true : ctnts
val ctnts_false : ctnts
val always : 'a -> (ctnts * 'a) disjunction
val mono_one : monomial
val mono_of_var : AMap.key -> monomial
val poly_zero : polynomial
val poly_of_var : AMap.key -> polynomial
val poly_of_z : Z.t -> polynomial
val poly_of_int : int -> polynomial
val poly_neg : polynomial -> polynomial
val poly_of_val : AST.literal -> polynomial
val sign_not : sign -> sign
val sign_minus : sign -> sign
exception ConjunctionBottomInterrupt
val sign_and : 'a -> sign -> sign -> sign option
val constant_satisfies : Z.t -> sign -> bool
val ctnts_of_bool : bool -> ctnts
val ctnts_not : ctnts -> ctnts
val sign_compare : 'a -> 'a -> int
val mono_compare : monomial -> monomial -> int
val poly_compare : polynomial -> polynomial -> int
val ctnts_compare : ctnts -> ctnts -> int
val ir_compare : (ctnts * polynomial) disjunction -> (ctnts * polynomial) disjunction -> int
val add_mono_to_poly : MMap.key -> Z.t -> Z.t MMap.t -> Z.t MMap.t
val add_polys : polynomial -> polynomial -> polynomial
val mult_monos : monomial -> monomial -> monomial
val mult_polys : polynomial -> polynomial -> polynomial
val ctnts_and : ctnts -> ctnts -> ctnts
val restrict : ctnts disjunction -> (ctnts * 'a) disjunction -> (ctnts * 'a) disjunction
val disjunction_or : 'a disjunction -> 'a disjunction -> 'a disjunction
val cross_num : (ctnts * 'a) disjunction -> (ctnts * 'b) disjunction -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> (ctnts * 'c) disjunction
val map_num : (polynomial -> polynomial) -> ir_expr -> ir_expr
val disjunction_cross : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a disjunction -> 'b disjunction -> 'c disjunction
val ir_to_cond : sign -> (ctnts * PMap.key) disjunction -> ctnts disjunction
val make_anonymous : env -> AST.ty -> AST.ty
val to_ir : StaticEnv.env -> AST.expr -> ir_expr
val loc : unit AST.annotated
val zero : AST.expr
val one : AST.expr
val cannot_happen_expr : AST.expr
val expr_of_z : Z.t -> AST.expr
val e_true : AST.expr
val e_false : AST.expr
val e_var : AST.identifier -> AST.expr
val e_band : AST.expr -> AST.expr -> AST.expr
val monomial_to_expr : monomial -> AST.expr -> AST.expr
val sign_of_z : Z.t -> sign
val polynomial_to_expr : polynomial -> AST.expr
val sign_to_binop : sign -> AST.binop
val sign_to_expr : sign -> AST.expr -> AST.expr
val ctnt_to_expr : polynomial -> sign -> AST.expr
val ctnts_to_expr : ctnts -> AST.expr option
val of_ir : ir_expr -> AST.expr
val reduce_mono : monomial -> Z.t -> Z.t option
val int_exp : int -> int -> int
type affectation = atom * Z.t * polynomial option
type affectations = affectation list
val subst_mono : affectations -> monomial -> Z.t -> monomial * Z.t
val subst_poly : affectations -> polynomial -> polynomial
val reduce_poly : affectations -> polynomial -> polynomial
val poly_get_constant_opt : polynomial -> Z.t option
val ctnt_is_trivial : polynomial -> sign -> bool
val reduce_ctnts : affectations -> ctnts -> ctnts
val poly_get_linear : polynomial -> (AMap.key * Z.t) option
val deduce_equations : ctnts -> ctnts * affectations
val ctnts_get_trivial_opt : ctnts -> bool option
val normalize : env -> AST.expr -> AST.expr
val free_variables : (ctnts * polynomial) disjunction -> ASTUtils.ISet.t
val equal_mod_branches : (ctnts * polynomial) disjunction -> (ctnts * polynomial) disjunction -> bool

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