package herdtools7

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

An Abstract Syntax Tree for ASL.


type version =
  1. | V0
  2. | V1
type position = Lexing.position
type 'a annotated = {
  1. desc : 'a;
  2. pos_start : position;
  3. pos_end : position;
  4. version : version;
type identifier = string

Type of local identifiers in the AST.

type uid = int

Unique identifiers


type unop =
  1. | BNOT

    Boolean inversion

  2. | NEG

    Integer or real negation

  3. | NOT

    Bitvector bitwise inversion


Operations on base value of arity one.

type binop =
  1. | AND

    Bitvector bitwise and

  2. | BAND

    Boolean and

  3. | BEQ

    Boolean equivalence

  4. | BOR

    Boolean or

  5. | DIV

    Integer division

  6. | DIVRM

    Inexact integer division, with rounding towards negative infinity.

  7. | EOR

    Bitvector bitwise exclusive or

  8. | EQ_OP

    Equality on two base values of same type

  9. | GT

    Greater than for int or reals

  10. | GEQ

    Greater or equal for int or reals

  11. | IMPL

    Boolean implication

  12. | LT

    Less than for int or reals

  13. | LEQ

    Less or equal for int or reals

  14. | MOD

    Remainder of integer division

  15. | MINUS

    Substraction for int or reals or bitvectors

  16. | MUL

    Multiplication for int or reals or bitvectors

  17. | NEQ

    Non equality on two base values of same type

  18. | OR

    Bitvector bitwise or

  19. | PLUS

    Addition for int or reals or bitvectors

  20. | POW

    Exponentiation for ints

  21. | RDIV

    Division for reals

  22. | SHL

    Shift left for ints

  23. | SHR

    Shift right for ints

  24. | BV_CONCAT

    Bit vector concatenation


Operations on base value of arity two.


Literals are the values written straight into ASL specifications. There is only literal constructors for a few concepts that could be encapsulated into an ASL value.

type literal =
  1. | L_Int of Z.t
  2. | L_Bool of bool
  3. | L_Real of Q.t
  4. | L_BitVector of Bitvector.t
  5. | L_String of string
  6. | L_Label of string

    An enumeration label, given by its name.


Main value type, parametric on its base values


type subprogram_type =
  1. | ST_Procedure

    A procedure is a subprogram without return type, called from a statement.

  2. | ST_Function

    A function is a subprogram with a return type, called from an expression.

  3. | ST_Getter

    A getter is a special function called with a syntax similar to slices.

  4. | ST_EmptyGetter

    An empty getter is a special function called with a syntax similar to a variable. This is relevant only for V0.

  5. | ST_Setter

    A setter is a special procedure called with a syntax similar to slice assignment.

  6. | ST_EmptySetter

    An empty setter is a special procedure called with a syntax similar to an assignment to a variable. This is relevant only for V0.

type expr_desc =
  1. | E_Literal of literal
  2. | E_Var of identifier
  3. | E_ATC of expr * ty

    Asserted type conversion

  4. | E_Binop of binop * expr * expr
  5. | E_Unop of unop * expr
  6. | E_Call of call
  7. | E_Slice of expr * slice list
  8. | E_Cond of expr * expr * expr
  9. | E_GetArray of expr * expr

    E_GetArray base index Represents an access to an array given by the expression base at index index. When this node appears in the untyped AST, the index may either be integer-typed or enumeration-typed. When this node appears in the typed AST, the index can only be integer-typed.

  10. | E_GetEnumArray of expr * expr

    Access an array with an enumeration index. This constructor is only part of the typed AST.

  11. | E_GetField of expr * identifier
  12. | E_GetFields of expr * identifier list
  13. | E_GetItem of expr * int
  14. | E_Record of ty * (identifier * expr) list

    Represents a record or an exception construction expression.

  15. | E_Tuple of expr list
  16. | E_Array of {
    1. length : expr;
    2. value : expr;

    Initial value for an array of size length and of content value at each array cell.

    This expression constructor is only part of the typed AST, i.e. it is only built by the type-checker, not any parser.

  17. | E_EnumArray of {
    1. enum : identifier;
    2. labels : identifier list;
    3. value : expr;

    Initial value for an array where the index is the enumeration enum, which declares the list of labels labels, and the content of each cell is given by value. enum is only used for pretty-printing.

    This expression constructor is only part of the typed AST, i.e. it is only built by the type-checker, not any parser.

  18. | E_Arbitrary of ty
  19. | E_Pattern of expr * pattern

Expressions. Parametric on the type of literals.

and expr = expr_desc annotated
and pattern_desc =
  1. | Pattern_All
  2. | Pattern_Any of pattern list
  3. | Pattern_Geq of expr
  4. | Pattern_Leq of expr
  5. | Pattern_Mask of Bitvector.mask
  6. | Pattern_Not of pattern
  7. | Pattern_Range of expr * expr
  8. | Pattern_Single of expr
  9. | Pattern_Tuple of pattern list
and pattern = pattern_desc annotated
and slice =
  1. | Slice_Single of expr

    Slice_Single i is the slice of length 1 at position i.

  2. | Slice_Range of expr * expr

    Slice_Range (j, i) denotes the slice from i to j - 1.

  3. | Slice_Length of expr * expr

    Slice_Length (i, n) denotes the slice starting at i of length n.

  4. | Slice_Star of expr * expr

    Slice_Start (factor, length) denotes the slice starting at factor * length of length n.


Slices define lists of indices into arrays and bitvectors.

All positions mentioned above are inclusive.

and call = {
  1. name : identifier;
  2. params : expr list;
  3. args : expr list;
  4. call_type : subprogram_type;


and type_desc =
  1. | T_Int of constraint_kind
  2. | T_Bits of expr * bitfield list
  3. | T_Real
  4. | T_String
  5. | T_Bool
  6. | T_Enum of identifier list
  7. | T_Tuple of ty list
  8. | T_Array of array_index * ty
  9. | T_Record of field list
  10. | T_Exception of field list
  11. | T_Named of identifier

    A type variable.


Type descriptors.

and int_constraint =
  1. | Constraint_Exact of expr

    Exactly this value, as given by a statically evaluable expression.

  2. | Constraint_Range of expr * expr

    In the inclusive range of these two statically evaluable values.


A constraint on an integer part.

and constraint_kind =
  1. | UnConstrained

    The normal, unconstrained, integer type.

  2. | WellConstrained of int_constraint list

    An integer type constrained from ASL syntax: it is the union of each constraint in the list.

  3. | PendingConstrained

    An integer type whose constraint will be inferred during type-checking.

  4. | Parameterized of uid * identifier

    A parameterized integer, the default type for parameters of function at compile time, with a unique identifier and the variable bearing its name.


The constraint_kind constrains an integer type to a certain subset.

and bitfield =
  1. | BitField_Simple of identifier * slice list

    A name and its corresponding slice

  2. | BitField_Nested of identifier * slice list * bitfield list

    A name, its corresponding slice and some nested bitfields.

  3. | BitField_Type of identifier * slice list * ty

    A name, its corresponding slice and the type of the bitfield.


Represent static slices on a given bitvector type.

and array_index =
  1. | ArrayLength_Expr of expr

    An integer expression giving the length of the array.

  2. | ArrayLength_Enum of identifier * identifier list

    An enumeration name and its list of labels.


The type of indexes for an array.

and field = identifier * ty

A field of a record-like structure.

and typed_identifier = identifier * ty

An identifier declared with its type.


type lexpr_desc =
  1. | LE_Discard
  2. | LE_Var of identifier
  3. | LE_Slice of lexpr * slice list
  4. | LE_SetArray of lexpr * expr

    LE_SetArray base index represents a write to an array given by the expression base at index index. When this node appears in the untyped AST, the index may either be integer-typed or enumeration-typed. When this node appears in the typed AST, the index can only be integer-typed.

  5. | LE_SetEnumArray of lexpr * expr

    Represents a write to an array with an enumeration index. This constructor is only part of the typed AST.

  6. | LE_SetField of lexpr * identifier
  7. | LE_SetFields of lexpr * identifier list * (int * int) list

    LE_SetFields (le, fields, _) unpacks the various fields. Third argument is a type annotation.

  8. | LE_Destructuring of lexpr list

Type of left-hand side of assignments.

and lexpr = lexpr_desc annotated
type local_decl_keyword =
  1. | LDK_Var
  2. | LDK_Constant
  3. | LDK_Let
type local_decl_item =
  1. | LDI_Var of identifier

    LDI_Var x is the variable declaration of the variable x, used for example in:

    let x = 42;


  2. | LDI_Tuple of identifier list

    LDI_Tuple names is the tuple declarations of names, for example:

    let (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3);

    We expect the list to contain at least 2 items.


A left-hand side of a declaration statement. In the following example of a declaration statement, (2, 3, 4): (integer, integer, integer {0..32}) is the local declaration item:

      let (x, -, z): (integer, integer, integer {0..32}) = (2, 3, 4);
type for_direction =
  1. | Up
  2. | Down

Statements. Parametric on the type of literals in expressions.

type stmt_desc =
  1. | S_Pass
  2. | S_Seq of stmt * stmt
  3. | S_Decl of local_decl_keyword * local_decl_item * ty option * expr option
  4. | S_Assign of lexpr * expr
  5. | S_Call of call
  6. | S_Return of expr option
  7. | S_Cond of expr * stmt * stmt
  8. | S_Assert of expr
  9. | S_For of {
    1. index_name : identifier;
    2. start_e : expr;
    3. dir : for_direction;
    4. end_e : expr;
    5. body : stmt;
    6. limit : expr option;
  10. | S_While of expr * expr option * stmt
  11. | S_Repeat of stmt * expr * expr option
  12. | S_Throw of (expr * ty option) option

    The ty option is a type annotation added by the type-checker to be matched later with the catch guards. It is always None for the untyped AST and never None for the typed AST. The outer option is used to represent the implicit throw, such as throw;.

  13. | S_Try of stmt * catcher list * stmt option

    The stmt option is the optional otherwise guard.

  14. | S_Print of {
    1. args : expr list;
    2. newline : bool;
    3. debug : bool;

    A call to print, as an explicit node as it does not require type-checking.

    newline indicates if the print statement should add an extra new line after printing all the arguments. debug indicates if the print statement has been made using the ASLRef specific function __debug.

  15. | S_Unreachable

    The unreachable statement, as an explicit node as it has a specific control-flow behaviour.

  16. | S_Pragma of identifier * expr list

    A pragma statement, as an explicit node to be used by tools which need AST level hints.

and stmt = stmt_desc annotated
and case_alt_desc = {
  1. pattern : pattern;
  2. where : expr option;
  3. stmt : stmt;
and case_alt = case_alt_desc annotated
and catcher = identifier option * ty * stmt

The optional name of the matched exception, the guard type and the statement to be executed if the guard matches.

Top-level declarations

type subprogram_body =
  1. | SB_ASL of stmt

    A normal body of a subprogram

  2. | SB_Primitive of bool

    Whether or not this primitive is side-effecting


Represents the different types of subprogram bodies.

type func = {
  1. name : identifier;
  2. parameters : (identifier * ty option) list;
  3. args : typed_identifier list;
  4. body : subprogram_body;
  5. return_type : ty option;
  6. subprogram_type : subprogram_type;
  7. recurse_limit : expr option;
  8. builtin : bool;

    Builtin functions are treated specially when checking parameters at call sites - see Typing.insert_stdlib_param.


Function types in the AST. For the moment, they represent getters, setters, functions, procedures and primitives.

type global_decl_keyword =
  1. | GDK_Constant
  2. | GDK_Config
  3. | GDK_Let
  4. | GDK_Var

Declaration keyword for global storage elements.

type global_decl = {
  1. keyword : global_decl_keyword;
  2. name : identifier;
  3. ty : ty option;
  4. initial_value : expr option;

Global declaration type

type decl_desc =
  1. | D_Func of func
  2. | D_GlobalStorage of global_decl
  3. | D_TypeDecl of identifier * ty * (identifier * field list) option
  4. | D_Pragma of identifier * expr list

    A global pragma, as an explicit node to be used by tools which need AST level hints.


Declarations, ie. top level statement in a asl file.

type decl = decl_desc annotated
type t = decl list

Main AST type.


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