package herdtools7

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module B : Backend.S
module IEnv : Env.S with type v = B.value and module Scope = B.Scope

Internal representation for subprograms.

type value_read_from = B.value * AST.identifier * B.Scope.t
type 'a maybe_exception =
  1. | Normal of 'a
  2. | Throwing of (value_read_from * AST.ty) option * IEnv.env
val run_typed_env : (AST.identifier * B.value) list -> -> AST.t -> B.value B.m

run env0 tenv ast runs the function main of the ast, in the typing environment tenv. However, the (global) identifiers listed in the A-list env0 will take their initial values from env0 and _not_ from ast.

val run_typed : -> AST.t -> B.value B.m

run_typed ast env runs the function main of the typed-checked ast, in typed-checking environment env.


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