package herdtools7

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module RL = RepeatableLexer
type lexer_state = Parser0.token RL.state
type 'a result = 'a Error.result
val _dbg : bool
val toks : Parser0.token -> string
val is_eof : Parser0.token -> bool
val _max_lines : (string, Lexing.position) Hashtbl.t
val list_first : ('a -> 'b result) -> 'a list -> 'b result
val try_in_order : (lexer_state -> Parser0.token -> AST.t) -> Parser0.token RL.state -> Parser0.token list -> AST.t

Main loop of the interpreter. Inspired by menhir documentation.

Continuation for try_in_order

Alternative entry-point for this module. This one take directly a repeatableLexer.

val ast_chunk : Lexing.lexbuf -> AST.t

The main entry-point for this module. Should be usable as a drop-in replacement for Parser0.spec.

val as_chunks : bool

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