package geoml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Triangles manipulation

type t = private Point.t * Point.t * Point.t

the type of triangles

val tri_map : (Point.t -> Point.t) -> t -> t

tri_map f t applies function f in turn to all the points of t and stores the results in a new triangle that is returned.

val tri_exists : (Point.t -> bool) -> t -> bool

Higher order utilities over the triangles

val tri_find : (Point.t -> bool) -> t -> Point.t
val tri_forall : (Point.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
val tri_iter : (Point.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val transform : t -> Affine.t -> t

affine transformation of a triangle

val make : Point.t -> Point.t -> Point.t -> t

builds a triangle from three different points. raises Invalid_arg if at least two points are equal

val extr1 : t -> Point.t

returns a vertice of the triangle. The vertice returned is different than the one returned by extr2 and extr3.

val extr2 : t -> Point.t

returns a vertice of the triangle. The vertice returned is different than the one returned by extr1 and extr3.

val extr3 : t -> Point.t

returns a vertice of the triangle. The vertice returned is different than the one returned by extr1 and extr2.

val scale_x : t -> float -> t
val scale_y : t -> float -> t
val translate : float -> float -> t -> t
val reflection : Point.t -> t -> t
val contains : t -> Point.t -> bool

tests if a point is in a triangle

val rotate : t -> Point.t -> float -> t

rotation, angle in radian

val rotate_angle : t -> Point.t -> float -> t

rotation, angle in degree

val area : t -> float
val perimeter : t -> float
val proj_x : t -> float * float
val proj_y : t -> float * float
val segments : t -> Segment.t * Segment.t * Segment.t
val intersects : t -> t -> bool
val intersect_line : t -> Line.t -> Point.t list
val is_isoscele : t -> bool
val is_equilateral : t -> bool
val is_right : t -> bool
val points : t -> Point.t * Point.t * Point.t
val of_points : (Point.t * Point.t * Point.t) -> t
val angles : t -> float * float * float
val centroid : t -> Point.t

returns the gravity center of a triangle

val random_point : Random.State.t -> t -> Point.t

returns a randomly and uniformly chosen point of the triangle

val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit



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