package frenetic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Flow Match Fields structure. See the section of the OpenFlow 1.3.4 specification

type t = oxm
val field_name : t -> string
val sizeof : t -> int

sizeof t size of the oxm field

val sizeof_header : t -> int

sizeof_header t size of the oxm field without the payload

val to_string : t -> string

to_string v pretty-prints v

val match_to_string : oxmMatch -> string

match_to_string v pretty-prints oxmMatch v

val marshal : Cstruct.t -> t -> int

marshal buf t serializes t

val marshal_header : Cstruct.t -> t -> int

marshal_header buf t same as marshal but doesn't serialize the payload

val parse : Cstruct.t -> t * Cstruct.t

parse bits parse the buffer bits

val parse_header : Cstruct.t -> t * Cstruct.t

parse_header bits same as parse but doesn't parse the payload

val from_of_pattern : Frenetic_kernel.OpenFlow.Pattern.t -> t list