package frenetic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module P : PLUGIN


val start : int -> unit

start pt initializes the controller, listening on TCP port pt.

event () returns the next event from the network.

current_switches () returns the set of switches currently connected to this controller.

port_stats sw pt returns byte and packet counts for switchsw port pt.

update p sets to local policy p.

update p sets to global policy p.

update_fdd fdd sets the global policy to the one encoded by the FDD.

send_packet_out sw pd p injects packets into the network by applying p to pd at sw. Optional ingress port helps locate buffer.

val query : string -> (int64 * int64) Async.Deferred.t

query x returns byte and packet counts for query x.

val set_current_compiler_options : Frenetic_netkat.Local_compiler.compiler_options -> unit

set_current_compiler_options co sets compiler options for subsequent invocations