package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Low-Level Logic Terms and Predicates

Logic Language based on Qed


type library = string

Naming - Unique identifiers

val comp_id : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.compinfo -> string
val comp_init_id : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.compinfo -> string
val field_id : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.fieldinfo -> string
val field_init_id : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.fieldinfo -> string
val logic_id : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.logic_info -> string
val lemma_id : string -> string


type datakind =
  1. | KValue
  2. | KInit
type adt = private
  1. | Mtype of mdt

    External type

  2. | Mrecord of mdt * fields

    External record-type

  3. | Atype of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.logic_type_info

    Logic Type

  4. | Comp of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.compinfo * datakind

    C-code struct or union

  5. | Wtype of string list * string * string list

    Why3 imported type


A type is never registered in a Definition.t

and mdt = string extern

name to print to the provers

and 'a extern = {
  1. ext_id : int;
  2. ext_library : library;

    a library which it depends on

  3. ext_debug : string;

    just for printing during debugging

and fields = {
  1. mutable fields : field list;
and field = private
  1. | Mfield of mdt * fields * string * tau
  2. | Cfield of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.fieldinfo * datakind
type t_builtin =
  1. | E_mdt of mdt
  2. | E_why3 of string list * string * string list
  3. | E_poly of tau list -> tau
type lfun = private
  1. | ACSL of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.logic_info

    Registered in Definition.t, only

  2. | CTOR of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.logic_ctor_info

    Not registered in Definition.t directly converted/printed

  3. | FUN of lsymbol

    External or Generated logic symbol

and lsymbol = {
  1. m_category : lfun Qed.Logic.category;
  2. m_params : Qed.Logic.sort list;
  3. m_result : Qed.Logic.sort;
  4. m_typeof : tau option list -> tau;
  5. m_source : source;
  6. m_coloring : bool;
and source =
  1. | Generated of WpContext.context option * string
  2. | Extern of extern
  3. | Wsymbol of string list * string * string list

    Why3 imported logic symbol

val mem_builtin_type : name:string -> bool
val is_builtin_type : name:string -> tau -> bool
val get_builtin_type : name:string -> adt
val datatype : library:string -> string -> adt
val record : link:string -> library:string -> (string * tau) list -> adt
val field : adt -> string -> field
val fields_of_adt : adt -> field list
val fields_of_tau : tau -> field list
val fields_of_field : field -> field list

Must not be a builtin

type balance =
  1. | Nary
  2. | Left
  3. | Right
val on_lfun : (lfun -> unit) -> unit
val on_field : (field -> unit) -> unit
val extern_s : library:library -> ? -> ?category:lfun Qed.Logic.category -> ?params:Qed.Logic.sort list -> ?sort:Qed.Logic.sort -> ?result:tau -> ?coloring:bool -> ?typecheck:(tau option list -> tau) -> string -> lfun
val extern_f : library:library -> ? -> ?balance:balance -> ?category:lfun Qed.Logic.category -> ?params:Qed.Logic.sort list -> ?sort:Qed.Logic.sort -> ?result:tau -> ?coloring:bool -> ?typecheck:(tau option list -> tau) -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, lfun) format4 -> 'a

balance just give a default when link is not specified

val extern_p : library:library -> ?bool:string -> ?prop:string -> ? -> ?params:Qed.Logic.sort list -> ?coloring:bool -> unit -> lfun
val extern_fp : library:library -> ?params:Qed.Logic.sort list -> ?link:string -> ?coloring:bool -> string -> lfun
val generated_f : ?context:bool -> ?category:lfun Qed.Logic.category -> ?params:Qed.Logic.sort list -> ?sort:Qed.Logic.sort -> ?result:tau -> ?coloring:bool -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, lfun) format4 -> 'a
val generated_p : ?context:bool -> ?coloring:bool -> string -> lfun
val extern_t : string -> link:string -> library:library -> mdt
val imported_t : package:string list -> theory:string -> name:string list -> adt
val imported_f : package:string list -> theory:string -> name:string list -> ?params:Qed.Logic.sort list -> ?result:Qed.Logic.sort -> ?typecheck:(tau option list -> tau) -> unit -> lfun

Sorting and Typing

val tau_of_object : Ctypes.c_object -> tau
val tau_of_ctype : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.typ -> tau
val tau_of_return : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.logic_type option -> tau
val tau_of_lfun : lfun -> tau option list -> tau
val tau_of_field : field -> tau
val tau_of_record : field -> tau
val init_of_object : Ctypes.c_object -> tau
val init_of_ctype : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.typ -> tau
val t_int : tau
val t_real : tau
val t_bool : tau
val t_prop : tau
val t_addr : unit -> tau
val t_float : Ctypes.c_float -> tau
val t_array : tau -> tau
val t_farray : tau -> tau -> tau
val t_datatype : adt -> tau list -> tau
val t_matrix : tau -> int -> tau
val pointer : tau Context.value

type of pointers

val floats : (Ctypes.c_float -> tau) Context.value

type of floats

val poly : string list Context.value


val builtin_types : (string -> t_builtin) Context.value
val parameters : (lfun -> Qed.Logic.sort list) -> unit


val name_of_lfun : lfun -> string
val name_of_field : field -> string
val context_of_lfun : lfun -> WpContext.context option

LFuns are unique by name and context

val is_coloring_lfun : lfun -> bool

Logic Formulae

module ADT : Qed.Logic.Data with type t = adt
module Field : Qed.Logic.Field with type t = field
module Fun : Qed.Logic.Function with type t = lfun
class virtual idprinting : object ... end
module F : sig ... end
module N : sig ... end

simpler notation for writing F.term and F.pred

Fresh Variables and Constraints

type gamma
val new_pool : ?copy:F.pool -> ?vars:F.Vars.t -> unit -> F.pool
val new_gamma : ?copy:gamma -> unit -> gamma
val local : ?pool:F.pool -> ?vars:F.Vars.t -> ?gamma:gamma -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val freshvar : ?basename:string -> F.tau -> F.var
val freshen : F.var -> F.var
val assume : F.pred -> unit
val without_assume : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val hypotheses : gamma -> F.pred list
val get_pool : unit -> F.pool
val get_gamma : unit -> gamma
val has_gamma : unit -> bool
val get_hypotheses : unit -> F.pred list
val filter_hypotheses : F.var list -> F.pred list


val sigma : unit -> F.sigma

uses current pool

val alpha : unit -> F.sigma

freshen all variables

val subst : F.var list -> F.term list -> F.sigma

replace variables

val e_subst : (F.term -> F.term) -> F.term -> F.term

uses current pool

val p_subst : (F.term -> F.term) -> F.pred -> F.pred

uses current pool


exception Contradiction
val is_literal : F.term -> bool
val iter_consequence_literals : (F.term -> unit) -> F.term -> unit

iter_consequence_literals assume_from_litteral hypothesis applies the function assume_from_litteral on literals that are a consequence of the hypothesis (i.e. in the hypothesis not (A && (B || C) ==> D), only A and not D are considered as consequence literals).

class type simplifier = object ... end
module For_export : sig ... end

For why3_api but circular dependency


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