package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Useful operations. This module does not depend of any of frama-c module.

val nop : 'a -> unit

Do nothing.

val adapt_filename : string -> string

Ensure that the given filename has the extension "cmo" in bytecode and "cmxs" in native

val max_cpt : int -> int -> int

max_cpt t1 t2 returns the maximum of t1 and t2 wrt the total ordering induced by tags creation. This ordering is defined as follows: forall tags t1 t2, t1 <= t2 iff t1 is before t2 in the finite sequence 0; 1; ..; max_int; min_int; min_int-1; -1

val number_to_color : int -> int

Function builders

exception Unregistered_function of string

Never catch it yourself: let the kernel do the job.

  • since Oxygen-20120901
val mk_labeled_fun : string -> 'a

To be used to initialized a reference over a labeled function.

  • since Oxygen-20120901
val mk_fun : string -> ('a -> 'b) ref

Build a reference to an uninitialized function

Function combinators

val ($) : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'c


val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a * 'b) -> 'c
val iter_uncurry2 : (('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'c -> unit) -> (('a * 'b) -> unit) -> 'c -> unit


val nest : 'b -> ('a * 'c) -> ('a * 'b) * 'c

Nest the first argument with the first element of the pair given as second argument.

val flatten : (('a * 'b) * 'c) -> 'a * 'b * 'c

Flatten the pairs into a triplet.


val as_singleton : 'a list -> 'a

returns the unique element of a singleton list.

val last : 'a list -> 'a

returns the last element of a list.

  • since Nitrogen-20111001
val replace : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list

replace cmp x l replaces the first element y of l such that cmp x y is true by x. If no such element exists, x is added at the tail of l.

  • since Neon-20140301
val product_fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'a

product f acc l1 l2 is similar to fold_left f acc l12 with l12 the list of all pairs of an elt of l1 and an elt of l2

val product : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list

product f l1 l2 applies f to all the pairs of an elt of l1 and an element of l2.

val find_index : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int

returns the index (starting at 0) of the first element verifying the condition

  • raises Not_found

    if no element in the list matches the condition

val list_compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int

Generic list comparison function, where the elements are compared with the specified function

  • since Boron-20100401
val opt_of_list : 'a list -> 'a option

converts a list with 0 or 1 element into an option.

  • since Oxygen-20120901
val subsets : int -> 'a list -> 'a list list

subsets k l computes the combinations of k elements from list l. E.g. subsets 2 1;2;3;4 = [1;2];[1;3];[1;4];[2;3];[2;4];[3;4]. This function preserves the order of the elements in l when computing the sublists. l should not contain duplicates.

  • since Aluminium-20160501
val list_first_n : int -> 'a list -> 'a list

list_first_n n l returns the first n elements of the list. Tail recursive. It returns an empty list if n is nonpositive and the whole list if n is greater than List.length l. It is equivalent to list_slice ~last:n l.

val list_slice : ?first:int -> ?last:int -> 'a list -> 'a list

list_slice ?first ?last l is equivalent to Python's slice operator (lfirst:last): returns the range of the list between first (inclusive) and last (exclusive), starting from 0. If omitted, first defaults to 0 and last to List.length l. Negative indices are allowed, and count from the end of the list. list_slice never raises exceptions: out-of-bounds arguments are clipped, and inverted ranges result in empty lists.

  • since 18.0-Argon
val map_no_copy : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list

Like map but try not to make a copy of the list

  • since 30.0-Zinc
val map_no_copy_list : ('a -> 'a list) -> 'a list -> 'a list

Like map but each call can return a list. Try not to make a copy of the list

  • since 30.0-Zinc


val merge_opt : ('a -> 'b -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option -> 'b option -> 'b option

merge f k a b returns

  • None if both a and b are None
  • Some a' (resp. b' if b (resp a) is None and a (resp. b) is Some
  • f k a' b' if both a and b are Some

It is mainly intended to be used with Map.merge

  • since Oxygen-20120901
val opt_filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a option -> 'a option
val the : exn:exn -> 'a option -> 'a
  • raises Exn

    if the value is None and exn is specified.

  • returns

    v if the value is Some v.

  • before 23.0-Vanadium

    exn was an optional argument.

val opt_hash : ('a -> int) -> 'a option -> int
  • since Sodium-20150201
val opt_map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option
  • returns

    f a b if arguments are Some a and Some b, orelse return None.

  • since 24.0-Chromium
val opt_map_no_copy : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a option -> 'a option

same as map_no_copy for options.

  • since 30.0-Zinc


val string_del_prefix : ?strict:bool -> string -> string -> string option

string_del_prefix ~strict p s returns None if p is not a prefix of s and Some s1 iff s=p^s1.

  • since Oxygen-20120901
val string_del_suffix : ?strict:bool -> string -> string -> string option

string_del_suffix ~strict suf s returns Some s1 when s = s1 ^ suf and None of suf is not a suffix of s.

  • since Aluminium-20160501
val make_unique_name : (string -> bool) -> ?sep:string -> ?start:int -> string -> int * string

make_unique_name mem s returns (0, s) when (mem s)=false otherwise returns (n,new_string) such that new_string is derived from (s,sep,start) and (mem new_string)=false and n<>0

  • since Oxygen-20120901
val strip_underscore : string -> string

remove underscores at the beginning and end of a string. If a string is composed solely of underscores, return the empty string

  • since 18.0-Argon
val html_escape : string -> string
val format_string_of_stag : Format.stag -> string

format_string_of_stag stag returns the string corresponding to stag, or raises an exception if the tag extension is unsupported.

  • since 22.0-Titanium


val address_of_value : 'a -> int

System commands

val mkdir : ?parents:bool -> Filepath.Normalized.t -> Unix.file_perm -> bool

mkdir ?parents name perm creates directory name with permission perm. If parents is true, recursively create parent directories if needed. parents defaults to false. Note that this function may create some of the parent directories and then fail to create the children, e.g. if perm does not allow user execution of the created directory. This will leave the filesystem in a modified state before raising an exception. Returns true if the directory was created, false otherwise.

  • since 19.0-Potassium
  • since 28.0-Nickel added check for existence of path (error if exists

but not a directory, otherwise do nothing if directory already exists). Changed type of name argument and return type.

val safe_at_exit : (unit -> unit) -> unit

Register function to call with Stdlib.at_exit, but only for non-child process (fork). The order of execution is preserved wrt ordinary calls to Stdlib.at_exit.

val cleanup_at_exit : string -> unit

cleanup_at_exit file indicates that file must be removed when the program exits (except if exit is caused by a signal). If file does not exist, nothing happens.

exception Temp_file_error of string
val temp_file_cleanup_at_exit : ?debug:bool -> string -> string -> string

Similar to Filename.temp_file except that the temporary file will be deleted at the end of the execution (see above), unless debug is set to true, in which case a message with the name of the kept file will be printed.

val temp_dir_cleanup_at_exit : ?debug:bool -> string -> Filepath.Normalized.t
  • since 28.0-Nickel modify return type
val safe_remove : string -> unit

Tries to delete a file and never fails.

val safe_remove_dir : string -> unit

Comparison functions

val compare_basic : 'a -> 'a -> int

Use this function instead of, as this makes it easier to find incorrect uses of the latter

val compare_ignore_case : string -> string -> int

Case-insensitive string comparison. Only ISO-8859-1 accents are handled.

  • since Silicon-20161101

Innovation. Community. Security.