package fmlib_parse

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Parsing of Operator Expressions



Operator expressions usually have operators with precedence and associativity. Therefore it is quite natural to omit parentheses in many cases.

(* expression                             interpreted as           *)
   a + b + c                              (a + b) + c

   a * b + c                              (a * b) + c

   a + b * c                              a + (b * c)

   a ^ b ^ c                              a ^ (b ^ c)

This is possible because addition (+) and multiplication (*) are left associative, exponentiation (^) is right associative, exponentiation binds stronger than multiplication and multiplication binds stronger than addition.

In order to set the implicit paretheses correctly we have to decide if we see two operators o1 and o2 in an expression like e o1 e1 o2 e2 if the right operator o2 binds stronger than the left operator o1.

Such a boolean function right_stronger o1 o2 can be used as well to make the correct decisions on associativity. E.g. right_stronger '+' '+' is false, because addition is left associative as opposed to right_stronger '^' '^' is true, because exponentiation is right associative.

In the following we show how operator expressions with binary operators can be parsed with the help of Fmlib_parse.

For more complex operator expressions having unary operators or mixfix operators a similar approach (although more complex) is usually possible.


We have the types

type exp  (* represents an expression *)
type op   (* represents an operator *)

the functions

let right_stronger (o1: op) (o2: op): bool =
  (* Does in an expression of the form [e1 o1 e2 o2 e3] the operator [o2] bind
     stronger than the operator [o1]? If yes, the expression has to be parsed
     as [e1 o1 (e2 o2 e3)]. Otherwise it has to be parsed as
     [(e1 o1 e2) o2 e3].

let binary (e1: exp) (o: op) (e2: exp): exp =
  (* construct the binary expression [e1 o e2]. *)

and the combinators

let primary (): exp t =
  (* Parse a primary expression. Usually a number, an identifier, a function
     call, a parenthesized expression. *)

let operator: op t =
  (* Parse an operator. *)


We want to write a combinator of the form

let operator_expression (): exp t =
  (* Parse an operator expression of the form [e o e o ... o e] where the
     precedence and the associativity of the operators are interpreted
     correctly. An operator expression of the form [e] is an allowed corner

If explicitly parenthesized expressions are allowed, then we have to make primary and operator_expression mutually recursive

let rec operator_expression (): exp t =

and primary (): exp t =
      let* _ = left_paren in
      let* e = operator_expression () in
      let* _ = right_paren in
      return e
  atomic ()  (* parse an atomic expression *)

Note that atomic might internally call operator_expression as well e.g. in parsing function arguments. In that case a combinator parsing function calls has to be part of the mutually recursive functions. Remember that recursive calls have to be guarded as described in the section Recursion in combinators. In the above case the guardedness is satisfied, because left_paren is guaranteed to consume input. I.e. input is consumed before the recursive call.

In the following we concentrate on how to write the combinator operator_expression correctly.

Analysis of the Problem

Since operator expressions can be deeply nested (parentheses, function calls etc.) we try to avoid backtracking in parsing an operator expression. Backtracking can be used in non recursive parts of the expressions. But we want to avoid backtracking over an arbitrarly long expression, because this can make our parser highly inefficient.

Therefore we try to make decisions as soon as possible and leave decisions open as long as needed without the need to backtrack.

Assume we have found on the input stream the following situation

a * b + c . rest

where rest represents the not yet parsed part of the input. In this case we can immediately convert a * b into a binary expression

(a * b) + c . rest

because multiplication binds stronger that addition. Unfortunately the same is not possible, if the stronger operator is the second one.

a + b * c . rest

In this case it is not possible to convert b * c into a binary expression because the actual situation might look like

a + b * c . ^ d ...
(*          ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not yet analyzed part of the remaining input *)

We have to buffer a + b * c and analyze the input stream for more operators until we can make a decision.

If the actual situation looks like

a + b * c . * d ...
(*          ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not yet analyzed part of the remaining input *)

i.e. the next operator in the input stream does not bind stronger than the last operator we can convert b * c into a binary expression getting

a + (b * c) . * d ...
(*            ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not yet analyzed part of the remaining input *)

In general we have the situation

e o1 e1 o2 e2 ... on en . rest

as long as the as in the operator pairs (o_i, o_(i+1)) the second operator binds stronger than the first. This condition is kept as an invariant. We only push o e into the buffer if o binds stronger than all previous operators.

The following cases are interesting:

1. . e rest : continue in the state e . rest.

2. e . o1 e1 rest: Continue in state e o1 e1 . rest.

3. ... o1 e1 . o2 e2 rest where o2 binds stronger than o1: Continue in state ... o1 e1 o2 e2 . rest. We have to push o2 e2 into the buffer. The invariant is kept. All right operators bind stronger than the left operators.

4. ... o1 e1 o2 e2 . o3 e3 rest where o2 binds stronger than o3: Continue in state ... o1 (e1 o2 e2) . o3 e3 . rest.

The Solution

The buffer can be represented by the following data structure.

type buffer =
    | First of exp
    | Add   of buffer * op * exp
        (* Invariant: In [Add (b, o, e)] the operator binds stronger than
           all previous operators in the buffer [b].

The combinator operator_expression is implemented with 4 mutually recursive functions.

let rec operator_expression () =
      let rec start (): exp t =
          let* e = primary () in
          more (First e)

      and more (b: buffer): exp t =
          (* Look for more operations in the remaining input *)
              let* o = operator () in
              let* e = primary () in
              next b o e
          (* If there is no more operator input then reduce the buffer. *)
          reduce b

      and next (b: buffer) (o_new: op) (e_new: exp): exp t =
          (* Check the next operator, expression pair. *)

      and reduce: buffer -> exp t =
          (* Reduce the buffer in case that there is no more input for the
             operator expression. *)
      start ()

Most complexity is handled in the function next.

and next (b: buffer) (o_new: op) (e_new: exp): exp t =
    (* Check the next operator, expression pair. *)
    match b with
    | First _ as b ->
        (* Not yet any operator present in the buffer *)
        more (Add (b, o_new, e_new))

    | Add (b1, o2, e2) as b2 ->
        (* At least one operator expression pair in the buffer. *)
            right_stronger o2 o_new
            more (Add (b2, o_new, e_new))
        else begin
            match b1 with
            | First e1 ->
                (* buffer: e1 o2 e2 and o2 binds stronger than o_new *)
                more (Add (First (binary e1 o2 e2), o_new, e_new))

            | Add (b0, o1, e1) ->
                (* buffer: ... o1 e1 o2 e2 and o2 binds stronger than

                   In this case we can reduce the buffer to
                   ... o1 (e1 o2 e2) and recheck the pair o_new e_new in
                   this buffer.
                next (Add (b0, o1, binary e1 o2 e2)) o_new e_new

If finally there is no more input for the operator expression, then the buffer is converted to an expression.

and reduce: buffer -> exp t =
    (* Reduce the buffer in case that there is no more input for the
       operator expression. *)
    | First e ->
        return e

    | Add (First e, o1, e1) ->
        return (binary e o1 e1)

    | Add (Add (b, o1, e1), o2, e2) ->
        assert (right_stronger o1 o2);
        reduce (Add (b, o1,  binary e1 o2 e2))



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