package fmlib_parse

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Calculator Example



In the following example we want to write a parser which parses and evaluates numeric expressions of the form

1 + 2 * 3

(1 + 2) * 3

1 + - 2 * 3

1 + 2 ^ - 3

We have one unary operator - and the binary operators +, -, *, / and ^ and assume the usual precedence rules and associativity rules for arithmetic expressions.

All numbers are integer numbers.

Division by zero and negative exponents shall be flagged as errors.

Blanks and newlines shall be ignored.


We want to assign to each operator a precedence and an associativity.

type assoc =
    | Left
    | Right

type info = int * assoc

We find the information of the operators with the help of a map

module Map:
    find: char -> info
    include Map.Make (Char)

    let add_left (c: char) (i: int) (m: 'info t): 'info t =
        add c (i, Left) m

    let add_right (c: char) (i: int) (m: 'info t): 'info t =
        add c (i, Right) m

    let map: 'info t =
        |> add_left  '+' 0
        |> add_left  '-' 0
        |> add_left  '*' 1
        |> add_left  '/' 1
        |> add_right '^' 2

    let find (c: char): info =
        match find_opt c map with
        | None ->
            assert false (* illegal call *)
        | Some i ->

Character Parser

We write the parser as a lexerless parser i.e. we use a character parser which uses characters as tokens.

module CP = Character.Make (Unit) (Int) (String)

open CP

No state is needed, our final construct is an integer (the value of the expression) and semantic error messages are strings.

Since there is no lexer, it is necessary to recognize and remove whitespace.

let whitespace: int t =
    skip_zero_or_more (char ' ' </> char '\n')

let lexeme (p: 'a t): 'a t =
    let* a = p in
    let* _ = whitespace in
    return a

Sequences of zero or more blanks and newlines are treated as whitespace. A lexeme is any construct followed by optional whitespace. The lexeme combinator is convenient. It allows us to write a combinator p without considering whitespace. Then lexeme p parses the construct described by p and removes the whitespace which after the construct.

Operators and Numbers

let unary_operator: char t =
    lexeme (char '-')

let binary_operator: char t =
    let op_chars = "+-*/^"
    one_of_chars op_chars "binary operator"

let number: int t =
        (fun v d -> 10 * v + d |> return)


let lpar: char t =
    lexeme (
        map (fun _ -> ')') (char '(')
        map (fun _ -> ']') (char '[')

let rpar (c: char): char t =
    lexeme (char c)

lpar recognizes a left parenthesis. '(' and '[' are allowed as opening parenthesis. The combinator left returns the expected closing parenthesis.

rpar recognizes the closing parenthesis. It is given the expected closing parenthesis.

Associating Operators

If the parser finds an expression of the form unop1 e1 op2 e2 it has to decide if op1 binds stronger than op2 and parse it like (unop1 e1) op2 e2.

The same applies to the binary expression e1 op1 e2 op2 e3. If op1 binds stronger than op2 then the parser has to parse it like (e1 op1 e2) op2 e3.

We use the precedence and associativity information of the operators to write the decision procedure.

let is_left (c1: char) (c2: char): bool t =
    (* Does the left operator 'c1' bind stronger than 'c2'? *)
    let (p1, a1) = Map.find c1
    and (p2, _ ) = Map.find c2
    return (
        p1 > p2
            p1 = p2
            a1 = Left

Performing the Operations

To perform a unary operation (which in our case is just the unary minus) we write the combinator

let make_unary (u: char) (a: int): int t =
    assert (u = '-');
    return ((-1) * a)

For the binary operations we need a function to do the exponentiation.

let power (a: int) (b: int): int =
    assert (b <> 0);
    let rec pow b res =
        if b = 0 then
            pow (b - 1) (a * res)
    pow b 1

Division and exponentiation can fail. The correct semantic action is described by the following combinator.

let make_binary (a: int) (o: char) (b: int): int t =
    match o with
    | '+' ->
        return (a + b)
    | '-' ->
        return (a - b)
    | '*' ->
        return (a * b)
    | '/' ->
        if b = 0 then
            fail "Division by zero"
            return (a / b)
    | '^' ->
        if b < 0 then
            fail "Negative exponent"
            return (power a b)
    | _ ->
        assert false (* cannot happen *)

Expression Combinator and Parser

With the help of the library function operator_expression and parenthesized a combinator which parses an arbitrarily deep expression can be written easily.

let rec expr (): int t =
    let primary (): int t =
            (fun _ a _ -> return a)
        (primary ())
        (Some unary_operator)

An expression is an operator expression where the primary expression is either a parenthesized expression or a number.

All used combinators remove whitespace after each construct. There remains to remove initial whitespace. The final parser is constructed by

let parse: Parser.t =
    make () (let* _ = whitespace in expr ())

Some Unit Tests

Some unit tests show that the parser works as expected.

let%test _ =
    let open Parser in
    let p = run_on_string " 1 +,2 + 2 " parse (* syntax error *)
    has_failed_syntax p
    column p = 4
let%test _ =
    let open Parser in
    let p = run_on_string " 1 + 2 , + 2 " parse (* syntax error *)
    has_failed_syntax p
    column p = 7
let%test _ =
    let p = Parser.run_on_string "1 - 2 - 3" parse in
        has_succeeded p
        final p = -4
let%test _ =
    let p = Parser.run_on_string " 1 + 2 ^ 3" parse in
        has_succeeded p
        final p = 9
let%test _ =
    let p = Parser.run_on_string "1 + - 2 * 3" parse in
        has_succeeded p
        final p = -5
let%test _ =
    let open Parser in
    let p = run_on_string "1 + 2 ^  - 3" parse (* semantic error *)
    has_failed_semantic p
    failed_semantic p = "Negative exponent"
let%test _ =
    let open Parser in
    let p = run_on_string "1 + 2 ^  (3 / 0) " parse (* semantic error *)
    has_failed_semantic p
    failed_semantic p = "Division by zero"



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