package flow_parser

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t =
  1. | Assertion of string
  2. | UnexpectedToken of string
  3. | UnexpectedTokenWithSuggestion of string * string
  4. | UnexpectedNumber
  5. | UnexpectedString
  6. | UnexpectedIdentifier
  7. | UnexpectedReserved
  8. | UnexpectedReservedType
  9. | UnexpectedSuper
  10. | UnexpectedSuperCall
  11. | UnexpectedEOS
  12. | UnexpectedVariance
  13. | UnexpectedStatic
  14. | UnexpectedTypeAlias
  15. | UnexpectedOpaqueTypeAlias
  16. | UnexpectedTypeAnnotation
  17. | UnexpectedTypeDeclaration
  18. | UnexpectedTypeImport
  19. | UnexpectedTypeExport
  20. | UnexpectedTypeInterface
  21. | NewlineAfterThrow
  22. | InvalidRegExp
  23. | InvalidRegExpFlags of string
  24. | UnterminatedRegExp
  25. | InvalidLHSInAssignment
  26. | InvalidLHSInExponentiation
  27. | InvalidLHSInForIn
  28. | InvalidLHSInForOf
  29. | ExpectedPatternFoundExpression
  30. | MultipleDefaultsInSwitch
  31. | NoCatchOrFinally
  32. | UnknownLabel of string
  33. | Redeclaration of string * string
  34. | IllegalContinue
  35. | IllegalBreak
  36. | IllegalReturn
  37. | IllegalUnicodeEscape
  38. | StrictModeWith
  39. | StrictCatchVariable
  40. | StrictVarName
  41. | StrictParamName
  42. | StrictParamDupe
  43. | StrictFunctionName
  44. | StrictOctalLiteral
  45. | StrictDelete
  46. | StrictDuplicateProperty
  47. | AccessorDataProperty
  48. | AccessorGetSet
  49. | StrictLHSAssignment
  50. | StrictLHSPostfix
  51. | StrictLHSPrefix
  52. | StrictReservedWord
  53. | JSXAttributeValueEmptyExpression
  54. | InvalidJSXAttributeValue
  55. | ExpectedJSXClosingTag of string
  56. | NoUninitializedConst
  57. | NoUninitializedDestructuring
  58. | NewlineBeforeArrow
  59. | FunctionAsStatement of {
    1. in_strict_mode : bool;
  60. | AsyncFunctionAsStatement
  61. | GeneratorFunctionAsStatement
  62. | AdjacentJSXElements
  63. | ParameterAfterRestParameter
  64. | ElementAfterRestElement
  65. | PropertyAfterRestProperty
  66. | DeclareAsync
  67. | DeclareExportLet
  68. | DeclareExportConst
  69. | DeclareExportType
  70. | DeclareExportInterface
  71. | UnexpectedExportStarAs
  72. | DuplicateExport of string
  73. | ExportNamelessClass
  74. | ExportNamelessFunction
  75. | UnsupportedDecorator
  76. | MissingTypeParamDefault
  77. | WindowsFloatOfString
  78. | DuplicateDeclareModuleExports
  79. | AmbiguousDeclareModuleKind
  80. | GetterArity
  81. | SetterArity
  82. | InvalidNonTypeImportInDeclareModule
  83. | ImportTypeShorthandOnlyInPureImport
  84. | ImportSpecifierMissingComma
  85. | ExportSpecifierMissingComma
  86. | MalformedUnicode
  87. | DuplicateConstructor
  88. | DuplicatePrivateFields of string
  89. | InvalidFieldName of string * bool * bool
  90. | PrivateMethod
  91. | PrivateDelete
  92. | UnboundPrivate of string
  93. | PrivateNotInClass
  94. | SuperPrivate
  95. | YieldInFormalParameters
  96. | AwaitAsIdentifierReference
  97. | YieldAsIdentifierReference
  98. | AmbiguousLetBracket
  99. | LiteralShorthandProperty
  100. | ComputedShorthandProperty
  101. | MethodInDestructuring
exception Error of (Loc.t * t) list
val error : Loc.t -> t -> 'a
module PP : sig ... end

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