package flow_parser

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module SpreadElement : sig ... end
type !'M expression_or_spread =
  1. | Expression of 'M Expression.t
  2. | Spread of 'M SpreadElement.t
module Array : sig ... end
module TemplateLiteral : sig ... end
module TaggedTemplate : sig ... end
module Object : sig ... end
module Sequence : sig ... end
module Unary : sig ... end
module Binary : sig ... end
module Assignment : sig ... end
module Update : sig ... end
module Logical : sig ... end
module Conditional : sig ... end
module New : sig ... end
module Call : sig ... end
module Member : sig ... end
module Yield : sig ... end
module Comprehension : sig ... end
module Generator : sig ... end
module TypeCast : sig ... end
module MetaProperty : sig ... end
type !'M t = 'M * 'M t'
and !'M t' =
  1. | Array of 'M Array.t
  2. | ArrowFunction of 'M Function.t
  3. | Assignment of 'M Assignment.t
  4. | Binary of 'M Binary.t
  5. | Call of 'M Call.t
  6. | Class of 'M Class.t
  7. | Comprehension of 'M Comprehension.t
  8. | Conditional of 'M Conditional.t
  9. | Function of 'M Function.t
  10. | Generator of 'M Generator.t
  11. | Identifier of 'M Identifier.t
  12. | Import of 'M t
  13. | JSXElement of 'M JSX.element
  14. | JSXFragment of 'M JSX.fragment
  15. | Literal of Literal.t
  16. | Logical of 'M Logical.t
  17. | Member of 'M Member.t
  18. | MetaProperty of 'M MetaProperty.t
  19. | New of 'M New.t
  20. | Object of 'M Object.t
  21. | Sequence of 'M Sequence.t
  22. | Super
  23. | TaggedTemplate of 'M TaggedTemplate.t
  24. | TemplateLiteral of 'M TemplateLiteral.t
  25. | This
  26. | TypeCast of 'M TypeCast.t
  27. | Unary of 'M Unary.t
  28. | Update of 'M Update.t
  29. | Yield of 'M Yield.t

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