package ezjsonm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Simple interface on top of the Jsonm JSON library


Dune Dependency






Ezjsonm provides more convenient (but far less flexible) input and output functions that go to and from string values. This avoids the need to write signal code, which is useful for quick scripts that manipulate JSON.

More advanced users should go straight to the Jsonm library and use it directly, rather than be saddled with the Ezjsonm interface.


org:mirage org:ocamllabs

Published: 14 Apr 2019



An easy interface on top of the Jsonm library.

This version provides more convenient (but far less flexible) input and output functions that go to and from [string] values. This avoids the need to write signal code, which is useful for quick scripts that manipulate JSON.

More advanced users should go straight to the Jsonm[1] library and use it directly, rather than be saddled with the Ezjsonm interface.


For instance, you can explore the HTTP status code specified in the JSON format here. After downloading that file, you can open an OCaml toplevel and write:

# #require "ezjsonm";;
# let json = Ezjsonm.from_channel (open_in "4.json");;
# Ezjsonm.(get_string (find json ["codes"; "418"; "summary"]))
- : string = "I'm a teapot"

Dependencies (5)

  1. hex
  2. sexplib
  3. jsonm >= "1.0.0"
  4. dune >= "1.0"
  5. ocaml >= "4.03.0"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. alcotest with-test & >= "0.4.0"

Used by (49)

  1. bap = "0.9.9"
  2. bap-phoenix
  3. camyll < "0.2.0"
  4. cow >= "1.1.0"
  5. data-encoding
  6. decoders-ezjsonm
  7. dune-compiledb
  8. ez_api
  9. ezjsonm-lwt = "1.1.0"
  10. farfadet
  11. geojson
  12. geojsone
  13. gitlab >= "0.1.3" & < "0.1.7"
  14. jekyll-format >= "0.2.0"
  15. learn-ocaml < "1.0.0"
  16. learn-ocaml-client
  17. mastodon-archive-viewer
  18. mirage-tc >= "0.3.0"
  19. mustache >= "1.0.1" & < "2.1.0" | >= "3.1.0" & < "3.3.0"
  20. mustache-cli
  21. obi
  22. ocveralls
  23. opam-bin >= "0.9.5" & < "1.1.0"
  24. opam_bin_lib
  25. opium >= "0.12.0" & < "0.16.0" | = "0.18.0"
  26. opium_kernel < "0.18.0"
  27. plotly
  28. ppx_deriving_yaml < "0.2.2"
  29. ppx_protocol_conv_jsonm
  30. ppx_yojson >= "1.2.0"
  31. qcow != "0.10.0"
  32. qcow-format >= "0.2"
  33. qcow-tool
  34. reddit_api_async < "0.2.1"
  35. reddit_api_kernel < "0.2.1"
  36. resto >= "0.6"
  37. soupault < "3.2.0"
  38. tezos-base < "10.2" | >= "13.0"
  39. tezos-hacl
  40. tezos-openapi < "20.1"
  41. tezos-stdlib-unix >= "8.0" & < "9.0" | >= "9.2"
  42. tezt >= "2.0.0"
  43. topojson
  44. topojsone
  45. vpnkit >= "0.1.1"
  46. xapi-rrd = "1.8.2"
  47. yaml
  48. yaml-sexp
  49. yurt




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