package earley

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val ghost : Location.t -> Location.t
val no_ghost : Location.t -> Location.t
val id_loc : 'a -> Location.t -> 'a Asttypes.loc
val loc_id : Location.t -> 'a -> 'a Asttypes.loc
val merge : Location.t list -> Location.t
val merge2 : Location.t -> Location.t -> Location.t
val const_string : string -> Parsetree.constant
val const_float : string -> Parsetree.constant
val const_char : char -> Parsetree.constant
val const_int : int -> Parsetree.constant
val const_int32 : int32 -> Parsetree.constant
val const_int64 : int64 -> Parsetree.constant
val const_nativeint : nativeint -> Parsetree.constant
val exp_string : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_int : Location.t -> int -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_char : Location.t -> char -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_float : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_int32 : Location.t -> int32 -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_int64 : Location.t -> int64 -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_nativeint : Location.t -> nativeint -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_false : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_bool : Location.t -> bool -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_ident : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val pat_ident : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.pattern
val nolabel : Asttypes.arg_label
val labelled : string -> Asttypes.arg_label
val optional : string -> Asttypes.arg_label
val exp_Some_fun : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_glr_fun : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_glrstr_fun : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_list_fun : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_str_fun : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_prelude_fun : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_location_fun : Location.t -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_Cons_fun : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_Cons_rev_fun : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression
val exp_apply_fun : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression
val ppat_alias : Location.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> string -> Parsetree.pattern
type tpar =
  1. | Joker of Location.t
  2. | Name of string Asttypes.loc
val params_map : (tpar * 'a) list -> (Parsetree.core_type * 'a) list
val class_type_declaration : ?attributes:Parsetree.attributes -> Location.t -> string Asttypes.loc -> (tpar * Asttypes.variance) list -> Asttypes.virtual_flag -> 'a -> 'a Parsetree.class_infos
val psig_value : ?attributes:Parsetree.attributes -> Location.t -> string Asttypes.loc -> Parsetree.core_type -> string list -> Parsetree.signature_item_desc
val pexp_assertfalse : Location.t -> Parsetree.expression
val pexp_function : list -> Parsetree.expression_desc
val pat_unit : Location.t -> Parsetree.pattern

Innovation. Community. Security.