package earley

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Earley is a parser combinator library implemented using the Earley algorithm. It focuses mainly on efficiency and is indended to be used in conjunction with the pa_ocaml parser and syntax extention mechanism.

Types and exceptions

type 'a grammar

Type of a parser (or grammar) producing a value of type 'a.

type blank = Input.buffer -> int -> Input.buffer * int

As Earley does scannerless parsing, a notion of blank function is used to discard meaningless parts of the input (e.g. comments or spaces). A blank function takes as input a buffer and a position (represented as an int) and returns a couple of a buffer and a position corresponding to the next meaningful character.

WARNING: a blank function must return a normalized pair (b,p), which means 0 <= p < Input.line_num b. You can use Input.normalize to ensure this.

exception Parse_error of Input.buffer * int

The exception Parse_error(buf,pos,msgs) is raised whenever parsing fails. It contains the position pos (and the corresponding buffer buf) of the furthest reached position in the input.

val give_up : unit -> 'a

give_up () can be called by the user to force the parser to reject a possible parsing rule.

val handle_exception : ?error:(unit -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

handle_exception fn v applies the function fn to v and handles the Parse_error exception. In particular, a parse error message is presented to the user in case of a failure, then error () is called. The default error is fun () -> exit 1.

Atomic parsers

val char : ?name:string -> char -> 'a -> 'a grammar

char ~name c v is a grammar that accepts only the character c, and returns v as a semantic value. An optional name can be given to the grammar for reference in error messages.

val string : ?name:string -> string -> 'a -> 'a grammar

string s v is a grammar that accepts only the string str, and returns v as a semantic value. An optional name can be given to the grammar for reference in error messages.

val keyword : ?name:string -> string -> (char -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a grammar

keyword s forbidden v is simalar to string, but the parsing fails if forbidden c returns true when c is the next available character.

val eof : 'a -> 'a grammar

eof v is a grammar that only accepts the end of file and returns v as a semantic value. Note that the end of file can be parsed one or more times (i.e. the input ends with infinitely many end of file symbols.

val any : char grammar

any is a grammar that accepts a single character (but fails on the end of file) and returns its value.

val in_charset : ?name:string -> Charset.charset -> char grammar

in_charset cs is a grammar that parses any character of the cs charset, and returns its value. An optional name can be given to the grammar for reference in error messages.

val not_in_charset : ?name:string -> Charset.charset -> unit grammar

not_in_charset cs is similar to in_charset cs but it accepts the characters that are not in cs.

val blank_not_in_charset : ?name:string -> Charset.charset -> unit grammar

blank_not_in_charset cs is the same as not_in_charset but testing with blank_test.

val empty : 'a -> 'a grammar

empty v is a grammar that does not parse anything and returns v as a semantic value. Note that this grammar never fails.

type 'a fpos = Input.buffer -> int -> Input.buffer -> int -> 'a

type for a function waiting for the start and end positions (i.e. buffer and index) of an item, in general resulting from parsing

val empty_pos : 'a fpos -> 'a grammar

empty_pos v is similar to the above except that the action wait for the position of a complete sequence build using fsequence of sequence.

For instance, sequence_position g1 g2 f below can be defined as fsequence g1 (fsequence g2 (empty_pos f')). where f' = fun b p b' p' a2 a1 = f b p b' p' a1 a2 to give the result of g1 and g2 in the expected order.

val fail : unit -> 'a grammar

fail () is a grammar that always fail, whatever the input.

val black_box : (Input.buffer -> int -> 'a * Input.buffer * int) -> Charset.charset -> bool -> string -> 'a grammar

black_box fn cs accept_empty name is a grammar that uses the function fn to parses the input buffer. fn buf pos should start parsing buf at position pos, and return a couple containing the new buffer and position of the first unread character. The character set cs must contain at least the characters that are accepted as first character by fn, and no less. The boolean accept_empty must be true if the function accept the empty string. The name argument is used for reference in error messages. Note that the functon fn should use give_up () in case of a parse error.

WARNING: fn must return a triple (x,b,p) when (b,p) is normalized, which means 0 <= p < Input.line_num b. You can use Input.normalize to ensure this.

val debug : string -> unit grammar

debug msg is a dummy grammar that always succeeds and prints msg on stderr when used. It is useful for debugging.

val regexp : ?name:string -> string -> string array grammar

regexp ?name re is a grammar that uses the regexp re to parse the input buffer. The value returnes is the array of the contents of the groups.

Blanks management

val no_blank : blank

no_blank is a blank function that does not discard any character of the input buffer.

val blank_regexp : string -> blank

blank_regexp re builds a blank from the regexp re.

val blank_grammar : unit grammar -> blank -> blank

blank_grammar gr bl produces a blank function using the grammar gr and the blank function bl. It parses as much of the input as possible using the grammar gr with the blank function bl, and returns the reached position.

val change_layout : ?old_blank_before:bool -> ?new_blank_after:bool -> 'a grammar -> blank -> 'a grammar

change_layout ~old_blank_before ~new_blank_after gr bl replaces the current blank function with bl, while parsing using the grammar gr. The optional parameter old_blank_before (true by default) forces the application of the old blank function, before starting to parse with gr. Note that the new blank function is always called before the first terminal of gr. Similarly, the opt- -ional parameter new_blank_after (true by default) forces a call to the new blank function after the end of the parsing of gr. Note that the old blank function is always called after the last terminal.

val no_blank_layout : 'a grammar -> 'a grammar

change_layout ~oba gr bl same as abobe but with no blank. It keeps the first char prediction and is therefore more efficient

Support for recursive grammars

val declare_grammar : string -> 'a grammar

declare_grammar name returns a new grammar that can be used in the definition of other grammars, but that cannot be run on input before it has been initialized with set_grammar. The name argument is used for reference to the grammar in error messages.

val set_grammar : 'a grammar -> 'a grammar -> unit

set_grammar gr grdef set the definiton of grammar gr (previously declared with declare_grammar) to be grdef. Invalid_argument is raised if set_grammar is used on a grammar that was not created with declare_grammar. The behavious is undefined if a grammar is set twice with set_grammar.

Parsing functions

val parse_buffer : 'a grammar -> blank -> Input.buffer -> 'a

parse_buffer gr bl buf parses the buffer buf using the grammar gr and the blank function bl. The exception Parse_error may be raised in case of error.

val parse_string : ?filename:string -> 'a grammar -> blank -> string -> 'a

parse_string ~filename gr bl str parses the string str using the grammar gr and the blank function bl. An optional filename can be provided for reference to the input in error messages. The exception Parse_error may be raised in case of error.

val parse_channel : ?filename:string -> 'a grammar -> blank -> in_channel -> 'a

parse_channel ~filename gr bl ch parses the contenst of the input channel ch using the grammar gr and the blank function bl. A filename can be provided for reference to the input in case of an error. parse_channel may raise the Parse_error exception.

val parse_file : 'a grammar -> blank -> string -> 'a

parse_file gr bl fn parses the file fn using the grammar gr and the blank function bl. The exception Parse_error may be raised in case of error.

val partial_parse_buffer : 'a grammar -> blank -> ?blank_after:bool -> Input.buffer -> int -> 'a * Input.buffer * int

partial_parse_buffer gr bl buf pos parses input from the buffer buf starting a position pos, using the grammar gr and the blank function bl. A triple is returned containing the new buffer, the position that was reached during parsing, and the semantic result of the parsing. The optional argument blank_after, true by default, indicates if the returned position if after the final blank or not. Note that this function should not be used in the defi- nition of a grammar using the black_box function.

module WithPP (PP : Input.Preprocessor) : sig ... end

A functor providing support for using and Input preprocessor.

Debuging and flags

val debug_lvl : int ref

debug_lvl is a flag that can be set for Earley to display debug data on stderr. The default value is 0, and bigger numbers acti- vate more and more debuging informations.

val warn_merge : bool ref

warn_merge is a flag that is used to choose whether warnings are displayed or not when an ambiguity is encountered while parsing. The default value is true.

val keep_all_names : bool ref

keep_all_names is false by default and allow for inlining grammar with a name to optimise parsing. When debugging, it is possible to set it to true (before all grammar constructions) for more accurate messages.

Greedy combinator

val greedy : 'a grammar -> 'a grammar

greedy g parses g in a greedy way: only the longest match is considered. Still ambigous if the longest match is not unique

Sequencing combinators

val sequence : 'a grammar -> 'b grammar -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c grammar

sequence g1 g2 f is a grammar that first parses using g1, and then parses using g2. The results of the sequence is then obtained by applying f to the results of g1 and g2.

val sequence_position : 'a grammar -> 'b grammar -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) fpos -> 'c grammar

sequence_position g1 g2 f is a grammar that first parses using g1, and then parses using g2. The results of the sequence is then obtained by applying f to the results of g1 and g2, and to the positions (i.e. buffer and index) of the corresponding parsed input.

Remark: sequence g1 g2 f is equivalent to sequence_position g1 g2 (fun _ _ _ _ -> f).

val fsequence : 'a grammar -> ('a -> 'b) grammar -> 'b grammar

fsequence g1 g2 is a grammar that first parses using g1, and then parses using g2. The results of the sequence is then obtained by applying the result of g1 to the result of g2.

Remark: fsequence g1 g2 is equivalent to sequence g1 g2 (fun x f -> f x).

val fsequence_position : 'a grammar -> ('a -> 'b) fpos grammar -> 'b grammar

same as fsequence, but the result of g2 also receive the position of the result of g1.

val fsequence_ignore : 'a grammar -> 'b grammar -> 'b grammar

same as fsequence, but the result of g2 receives nothing, meaning we forget the result of g1.

val sequence3 : 'a grammar -> 'b grammar -> 'c grammar -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'd grammar

sequence3 is similar to sequence, but it composes three grammars into a sequence.

Remark: sequence3 g1 g2 g3 f is equivalent to sequence (sequence g1 g2 f) g3 (fun f x -> f x).

val simple_dependent_sequence : 'a grammar -> ('a -> 'b grammar) -> 'b grammar

simple_dependent_sequence g1 g2 is a grammar that first parses using g1, which returns a value a, and then continues to parse with g2 a and return its result.

val dependent_sequence : ('a * 'b) grammar -> ('a -> ('b -> 'c) grammar) -> 'c grammar

dependent_sequence g1 g2 is a grammar that first parses using g1, which returns a value (a,b), and then continues to parse with g2 a and return its result applied to b. compared to the above function, allow memoizing the second grammar

val iter : 'a grammar grammar -> 'a grammar

= fun g -> dependent_sequence g (fun x -> x)

val option : 'a -> 'a grammar -> 'a grammar

option v g tries to parse the input as g, and returns v in case of failure.

val fixpoint : 'a -> ('a -> 'a) grammar -> 'a grammar

fixpoint v g parses a repetition of one or more times the input parsed by g. The value v is used as the initial value (i.e. to finish the sequence).

if parsing X with g returns a function gX, parsing X Y Z with fixpoint a g will return gX (gY (gZ a)).

This consumes stack proportinal to the input length ! use revfixpoint ...

val fixpoint' : 'a -> 'b grammar -> ('b -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a grammar
val fixpoint1 : 'a -> ('a -> 'a) grammar -> 'a grammar

as fixpoint but parses at leat once with the given grammar

val fixpoint1' : 'a -> 'b grammar -> ('b -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a grammar
val list0 : 'a grammar -> unit grammar -> 'a list grammar

listN g sep parses sequences of g separated by sep of length at least N, for N=0,1 or 2.

val list1 : 'a grammar -> unit grammar -> 'a list grammar
val list2 : 'a grammar -> unit grammar -> 'a list grammar
val alternatives : 'a grammar list -> 'a grammar

alternatives [g1;...;gn] tries to parse using all the grammars [g1;...;gn] and keeps only the first success.

val apply : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a grammar -> 'b grammar

apply f g applies function f to the value returned by the grammar g.

val apply_position : ('a -> 'b) fpos -> 'a grammar -> 'b grammar

apply_position f g applies function f to the value returned by the grammar g and the positions at the beginning and at the end of the input parsed input.

val position : 'a grammar -> (string * int * int * int * int * 'a) grammar

position g tranforms the grammar g to add information about the position of the parsed text.

val test : ?name:string -> Charset.t -> (Input.buffer -> int -> 'a * bool) -> 'a grammar

test c f perform a test f on the input buffer. Do not parse anything (position are unchanged). The charset c should contains all character accepted as at the position given to f

val blank_test : ?name:string -> Charset.t -> ('a * bool) fpos -> 'a grammar

blank_test c f same as above except that f is applied to buf' pos' buf pos where (buf', pos') is the position before the blank. The charset c should contains all character accepted as at the position (buf,pos). This allow to test the presence of blank or even to read the blank and return some information

val with_blank_test : 'a -> 'a grammar

a test that fails if there is no blank

val no_blank_test : 'a -> 'a grammar

a test that fails if there are some blank

val grammar_family : ?param_to_string:('a -> string) -> string -> ('a -> 'b grammar) * (('a -> 'b grammar) -> unit)

grammar_family to_str name returns a pair (gs, set_gs), where gs is a finite family of grammars parametrized by a value of type 'a. A name name is to be provided for the family, and an optional function to_str can be provided to print the parameter and display better error messages.

(* Declare the grammar family *)
let (gr, set_gr) = grammar_family to_str name in

... code using grammars of gr to define mutually recursive grammars ...
... the grammars in gr cannot be used in "left position" ...
... (same restriction as for declare_grammar ...

(* Define the grammar family *)
let _ = set_gr the_grammars

... now the new family can be used ...
val grammar_prio : ?param_to_string:('b -> string) -> string -> ('b -> 'c grammar) * (((('b -> bool) * 'c grammar) list * ('b -> 'c grammar list)) -> unit)

Similar to the previous one, with an optimization. grammar_prio to_str name returns a pair (gs, set_gs), where gs is a finite family of grammars parametrized by a value of type 'a. set_gs requires two lists of grammars to set the value of the grammar:

  • the first list are grammar that can only be activated by the parameter (if the given function return true)
  • the second list is used as for grammar family
val grammar_prio_family : ?param_to_string:(('a * 'b) -> string) -> string -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c grammar) * (('a -> (('b -> bool) * 'c grammar) list * ('b -> 'c grammar list)) -> unit)

A mixture of the two above

val accept_empty : 'a grammar -> bool

accept_empty g returns true if the grammar g accepts the empty input and false otherwise.

val grammar_info : 'a grammar -> bool * Charset.t
val give_name : string -> 'a grammar -> 'a grammar

give a name to the grammar. Usefull for debugging.