package diffast-langs-java-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xlist = Diffast_misc.Xlist
module Xset = Diffast_misc.Xset
module Env_base = Langs_common.Env_base
module Source_base = Langs_common.Source_base
module Astloc = Langs_common.Astloc
module P = Printer
exception Attrs_found of Ast.identifier_attribute list
exception Unknown of string
exception Type_found of string
exception Expr_found of Ast.expr_kind
exception Static_found of string
type sub_context =
  1. | SC_block
  2. | SC_new
  3. | SC_ivk
  4. | SC_for
  5. | SC_array
  6. | SC_lambda
  7. | SC_res
type meth_stat = {
  1. mutable m_block_level : int;
  2. mutable m_paren_level : int;
  3. mutable m_new_level : int;
  4. mutable m_ivk_level : int;
  5. mutable m_for_level : int;
  6. mutable m_array_level : int;
  7. mutable m_lambda_level : int;
  8. mutable m_tap_level : int;
  9. mutable m_res_level : int;
  10. m_stack : sub_context Stack.t;
type class_stat = {
  1. mutable c_tap_level : int;
type top_stat = {
  1. mutable t_tap_level : int;
val create_class_stat : unit -> class_stat
val create_top_stat : unit -> top_stat
val create_meth_stat : unit -> meth_stat
type context =
  1. | C_toplevel of top_stat
  2. | C_class of class_stat
  3. | C_method of meth_stat
  4. | C_module
val stack_to_list : 'a Stack.t -> 'a list
val sub_context_to_string : sub_context -> string
val meth_stat_to_string : meth_stat -> string
val class_stat_to_string : class_stat -> string
val top_stat_to_string : top_stat -> string
val context_to_string : context -> string
val stack_memq : 'a Stack.t -> 'a -> bool
exception Frame_found of Ast.frame
class env : object ... end
val ty_list_union : Ast.javatype list -> Ast.javatype list -> Ast.javatype list
module type STATE_T = sig ... end
val lexing_pos_start : Sedlexing.lexbuf -> Lexing.position
val lexing_pos_end : Sedlexing.lexbuf -> Lexing.position
val get_lc : Lexing.position -> int * int
module F (Stat : STATE_T) : sig ... end

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