package diffast-langs-java-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xprint = Diffast_misc.Xprint
type java_language_specification =
  1. | JLSnone
  2. | JLS of int
val default_java_lang_spec : java_language_specification
exception Internal_error of string
exception Parse_error of string * string
exception Pkg_found of string
val warning_loc : Langs_common.Astloc.t -> ('a, out_channel, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
val fail_to_parse : ?head:string -> string -> 'a
val warning_msg : ?out:out_channel -> ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
val find_package_name : < get_channel : < close : unit -> 'a ; input_line : unit -> string.. >.. > -> string
val pkg_to_path : string -> string
val path_to_pkg : string -> string
type src_dir =
  1. | SD_unnamed of string
  2. | SD_named of string
val guess_src_dir : < dirname : string ; get_channel : < close : unit -> 'a ; input_line : unit -> string.. > ; path : string.. > -> src_dir
val decompose_qname : string -> string * string
val is_qualified_qname : string -> bool
val dot_pat : Str.regexp
val replace_dot_with_dollar : string -> string
val dollar_pat : Str.regexp
val replace_dollar_with_dot : string -> string
val token_queue_to_string : ('a -> string) -> < iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'b.. > -> string

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