package diffast-langs-fortran-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type loc_of_decl =
  1. | Lunknown
  2. | Limplicit of Loc.t option
  3. | Lexplicit of Loc.t
val loc_of_decl_to_string : loc_of_decl -> string
val loc_of_decl_to_loc : loc_of_decl -> Loc.t
val loc_of_decl_unknown : loc_of_decl
val loc_of_decl_implicit_default : loc_of_decl
val loc_of_decl_implicit : Loc.t -> loc_of_decl
val loc_of_decl_explicit : Loc.t -> loc_of_decl
class accessibility_attr_spec : object ... end
class full_attr_spec : object ... end
class spec_base : ?loc_of_decl:loc_of_decl option -> ?id_of_decl:int option -> ?bid_opt: BID.t option option -> unit -> object ... end
class object_spec : ?loc_of_decl:loc_of_decl option -> ?id_of_decl:int option -> ?bid_opt: BID.t option option -> unit -> object ... end
val make_public_object_spec : unit -> object_spec
class data_object_spec : ?loc_of_decl:loc_of_decl option -> ?id_of_decl:int option -> ?bid_opt: BID.t option option -> ?type_spec:TypeSpec.t option -> unit -> object ... end
class procedure_spec : ?loc_of_decl:loc_of_decl option -> ?id_of_decl:int option -> ?bid_opt: BID.t option option -> ProcInterface.t -> object ... end
class intrinsic_procedure_spec : Rank.t -> object ... end
type t =
  1. | Unknown
  2. | DataObject of data_object_spec
  3. | DerivedType of frame_v * object_spec
  4. | InterfaceBlock
  5. | IntrinsicFunction of intrinsic_procedure_spec
  6. | IntrinsicSubroutine
  7. | FunctionSubprogram of object_spec
  8. | SubroutineSubprogram of object_spec
  9. | SeparateModuleSubprogram of object_spec
  10. | Generic of object_spec
  11. | Procedure of procedure_spec
  12. | NamelistGroup of object_spec
  13. | MainProgram
  14. | Module of unit -> Fortran_parsing.Common.Xset.t * frame_v
  15. | ModuleEntity
  16. | BlockData
  17. | CommonBlock
  18. | AssociateName
  19. | External of *
  20. | InterfaceName of
  21. | LindaOperation
  22. | Object of object_spec
and frame_v = {
  1. find : -> t;
  2. add : -> t -> unit;
val unknown : t
val module_entity : t
val intrinsic_subroutine : t
val mkframev : add:( -> t -> unit) -> find:( -> t) -> frame_v
val to_string : t -> string
val filter_out_ambiguous : t list -> t list
val is_resolved : t -> bool
val is_namelist_group : t -> bool
val is_procedure : t -> bool
val is_function : t -> bool
val is_intrinsic_procedure : t -> bool
val is_generic : t -> bool
val is_external : t -> bool
val decompose_external : t -> *
val is_linda_operation : t -> bool
val contain_generic : t list -> bool
val is_module : t -> bool
val is_derived_type : t -> bool
val is_data_object_spec : t -> bool
val has_object_spec : t -> bool
val has_data_object_spec : t -> bool
val get_data_object_spec : t -> data_object_spec
val has_data_object_attr : t -> bool
val has_procedure_spec : t -> bool
val get_procedure_spec : t -> procedure_spec
val has_procedure_attr : t -> bool
val get_object_spec : t -> object_spec
val has_object_attr : t -> bool
val get_data_object_attr : t -> Attribute.c
val get_procedure_attr : t -> Attribute.c
val get_object_attr : t -> Attribute.accessibility
val get_accessibility_attr : t -> Attribute.accessibility
val has_accessibility_attr : t -> bool
val get_finder : t -> -> t
val get_adder : t -> -> t -> unit
val get_loc_of_decl : t -> loc_of_decl
val has_decl : t -> bool
val set_loc_of_decl : loc_of_decl -> t -> unit
val set_id_of_decl : int -> t -> unit
val mkobj : ?loc_of_decl:loc_of_decl -> ?id_of_decl:int -> ?bid_opt:BID.t option -> unit -> object_spec
val mkproc : ?loc_of_decl:loc_of_decl -> ?id_of_decl:int -> ?bid_opt:BID.t option -> ProcInterface.t -> procedure_spec
val mkfunction : object_spec -> t
val mksubroutine : object_spec -> t
val mkseparate_module_subprogram : object_spec -> t
val mkgeneric : object_spec -> t
val mknamelistgroup : object_spec -> t
val mkderivedtype : frame_v -> object_spec -> t
val mkprocedure : procedure_spec -> t
val mkmodule : (unit -> Fortran_parsing.Common.Xset.t) -> frame_v -> t
val mkintrinsicfunc : intrinsic_procedure_spec -> t
val mkobject : object_spec -> t
val mkdobj : ?loc_of_decl:loc_of_decl -> ?id_of_decl:int -> ?bid_opt:BID.t option -> ?type_spec:TypeSpec.t -> Attribute.c option -> t
val mkext : string -> string -> t
val mkiname : -> t
val make_public_subroutine : unit -> t
val make_public_function : unit -> t
val get_access_spec : t -> AccessSpec.t
val is_public : t -> bool

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