package diffast-langs-fortran-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type spec = {
  1. mutable length : int;
  2. mutable tag : C.tag;
val spec_to_string : spec -> string
val length_of_spec : spec -> int
val tag_of_spec : spec -> C.tag
val mkspec : ?length:int -> ?tag:C.tag -> unit -> spec
type t =
  1. | Dummy of spec * node list
  2. | Program of spec * node list
  3. | ProgramUnit of spec * node
  4. | Spec_Exec of spec * node option * node option
  5. | SpecificationPart of spec * node list
  6. | ExecutionPart of spec * node list
  7. | Subprograms of spec * node list
  8. | InterfaceSpec of spec * node list
  9. | CaseBlock of spec * node list
  10. | AssignmentStmt of spec * node
  11. | TypeDeclarationStmt of spec * node
  12. | FunctionStmt of spec * node
  13. | Variable of spec * node
  14. | Expr of spec * node
  15. | Stmts of spec * node list
  16. | DataStmtSets of spec * node list
  17. | TypeSpec of spec * node
  18. | ActionStmt of spec * node
  19. | DerivedTypeDefPart of spec * node list
  20. | Onlys of spec * node list
  21. | TypeBoundProcPart of spec * node list
  22. | FunctionHead of spec * node list
  23. | SubroutineHead of spec * node list
  24. | SubroutineStmtHead of spec * node
  25. | FunctionStmtHead of spec * node
  26. | PuTail of spec * node list
val to_string : t -> string
val get_spec : t -> spec
val set_length : t -> int -> unit
val set_tag : t -> C.tag -> unit
val mk_dummy : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_program : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_program_unit : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_spec_exec : ?length:int -> node option -> node option -> t
val mk_specification_part : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_execution_part : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_subprograms : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_interface_spec : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_case_block : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_assignment_stmt : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_type_declaration_stmt : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_function_stmt : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_variable : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_expr : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_stmts : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_data_stmt_sets : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_type_spec : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_action_stmt : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_derived_type_def_part : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_onlys : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_type_bound_proc_part : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_function_head : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_function_stmt_head : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_subroutine_head : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val mk_subroutine_stmt_head : ?length:int -> node -> t
val mk_pu_tail : ?length:int -> node list -> t
val get_nodes : t -> node list

Innovation. Community. Security.